Deployment Example: Sun Java System Communications Services for Access Anywhere (EdgeMail)

ProcedureTo Patch and Verify Calendar Server on FE Servers

  1. Unzip/Untar the patches (example assumes the tarfiles are in /var/tmp/cal_patches)

    # mount -F nfs mgmt-amer-01:/export/puppet/world /mnt
      # mkdir /var/tmp/cal_patches
      # cd /var/tmp/cal_patches
      # cp /mnt/Calendar/patches/ .
      # cp /mnt/Calendar/patches/T116577-11.tar.gz .
      # cp /mnt/Calendar/patches/T118477-07.tar.gz .
      # unzip
      # gzcat T116577-11.tar.gz | tar xf -
      # gzcat T118477-07.tar.gz | tar xf -
  2. Shutdown the calendar service:

    # cd /opt/SUNWics5/cal/sbin
      # ./stop-cal
      # ps -ef | grep icsuser
  3. Apply the patches. The user nobody must have an /etc/group entry: /etc/group: nobody::60001:

     # cd /var/tmp/cal_patches
      # /usr/sbin/patchadd -d 118099-01
      # /usr/sbin/patchadd -d 116577-11
      # /usr/sbin/patchadd -d 118477-07
  4. Restart the calendar service:

      # cd /opt/SUNWics5/cal/sbin
      # ./start-cal
      # ps -ef | grep icsuser
      icsuser 12047     1  0 18:29:06 ?        0:07 /opt/SUNWics5/cal/lib/cshttpd -d 3 -D 4
      icsuser 12041     1  0 18:29:04 ?        0:01 /opt/SUNWics5/cal/lib/csadmind
      icsuser 12048 12047  0 18:29:06 ?        0:07 /opt/SUNWics5/cal/lib/cshttpd -0 -d 0 -D 1 -b 1
      # umount /mnt
  5. Check that the front end is connecting with the backends:

      # cd /var/opt/SUNWics5/logs
      # grep cdwp_login http.log
      [10/May/2005:18:29:06 -0600] fe-amer-01 cshttpd[12047]: General Notice: caldb: cdwp_login: 
    ctx for host: and port:9779 is authenticated and the sessionid is q6l05rw9x9eee8u
      [10/May/2005:18:29:07 -0600] fe-amer-01 cshttpd[12048]: General Notice: caldb: cdwp_login: 
    ctx for host: and port:9779 is authenticated and the sessionid is bu9hbbv6t9ebn0 

    There should be at least two of these entries (for the local backend) -- more, if there are multiple BE calendar servers configured in the ics.conf file.