Deployment Example: Sun Java System Communications Services for Access Anywhere (EdgeMail)

ProcedureTo Configure a BE Server After Jump-Start

  1. Edit the prompt in the /.profile for root:

    PS1="`tput bold``/usr/ucb/whoami`@`uname -n`:#`tput sgr0` "
  2. Restore the contents of /var/bits with the following commands:

    # cd /var
    # gzcat bits/bits.tar.gz | tar xf -
  3. Change ownership of home directories with the following commands:

    # cd /home
    # for I in `ls`
    > do
    > chown $I $I
    > done
    # cd /
  4. Once the system is on the corporate network, edit /etc/passwd and /etc/user_attr to put root back as a role.

  5. Add the cluster to the path:


    Also, add the cluster to the path in the /.cshrc file for root:

    set path=( /usr/bin /usr/sbin /usr/ccs/bin /usr/cluster/bin $path )
  6. Create additional metadbs with the following command:

    metadb -a -c 3 /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s7 /dev/dsk/c1t2d0s7 /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s7
  7. Create mirrors of /globaldevices and /var/crash. This requires several commands, some of which depend on which node of the cluster the server belongs to.

    1. Unmount the file systems with the following commands:

      • On all servers regardless of cluster node:

        umount /globaldevices
        umount /var/crash
        newfs -v -i 1024 /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s3
        metainit -f d106 1 1 c1t2d0s0
        metainit -f d206 1 1 c1t3d0s0
        metainit -f d6 -m d106
      • On servers in cluster node 1:

        metainit -f d103 1 1 c1t0d0s3
        metainit -f d203 1 1 c1t1d0s3
        metainit -f d3 -m d103
      • On servers in cluster node 2:

        metainit -f d113 1 1 c1t0d0s3
        metainit -f d213 1 1 c1t1d0s3
        metainit -f d13 -m d113
    2. Then edit the /etc/vfstab file:

      • On all servers regardless of cluster node, comment out the entries for /globaldevices and /var/crash. Then add the following line:

        /dev/md/dsk/d6 /dev/md/rdsk/d6 /var/crash ufs 2 yes logging
      • On servers in cluster node 1, add the following line:

        /dev/md/dsk/d3 /dev/md/rdsk/d3 /globaldevices ufs 2
      • On servers in cluster node 2, add the following line:

        /dev/md/dsk/d13 /dev/md/rdsk/d13 /globaldevices ufs 2 yes logging
    3. Attach the submirrors with the following commands:

      • On all servers regardless of cluster node:

        mount /globaldevices
        mount /var/crash
        metattach d0 d200
        metattach d6 d206
      • On servers in cluster node 1:

        metattach d3 d203
      • On servers in cluster node 2:

        metattach d13 d213

Example 3–1 File System Layout of BE Servers

The BE servers are V440 machines with 2 available disks of 73 GB each.

Partition Name 





10 GB 


Root file system 


30 GB 


AllJava ESinstalled component binaries (LDAP, messaging, portal, calendar, identity). 


30 GB 


Log file system 


4 GB 

Disk 3 

Memory tmp file system 

Dump Device


Disk 4 

Core dump filesystem 


20 GB 


Mount point 


20 GB 


Mount point 


5 GB 


Mount point (soft partition) 


15 GB 


Mount point (soft partition) 





/shared/bedgeN/partition/ store###

180 or 230 GB 


Mount point 


5 GB 


Mount point 






15 GB 


Mount point