Deployment Example: Sun Java System Communications Services for Access Anywhere (EdgeMail)

ProcedureTo Configure Web Server

  1. Login to the administration port of the server at http://id-amer-NN.domain:8888/

  2. Create virtual server instance ls2 for secure connection on port 443. The silent install file uses following configuration information:

    Port: 80
    Admin port: 34713
    CMN_SYSTEM_USER= webservd
    CMN_host_name: id-amer-NN
  3. Edit the server.xml file for the ls1 instance and add the highlighted portion to the line below:

    <LS id="ls1" port="92" servername=""
    defaultvs="" security="false" ip="IPaddress"
    blocking="false" acceptorthreads="1"/>
  4. Restart the Web Server instance.