Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 Guide for SAP Enterprise Portal 6.0 and Web Application Server 6.40

Compatibility of Agent for SAP Portal 6.0/Server 6.40 With Access Manager

Compatibility of Policy Agent 2.2 With Access Manager 7 and Access Manager 7.1

All agents in the Policy Agent 2.2 release are compatible with Access Manager 7 and Access Manager 7.1. Compatibility applies to both of the available modes of Access Manager: Realm Mode and Legacy Mode.

Install the latest Access Manager patches to ensure that all enhancements and fixes are applied. For an example of Access Manager patches that can be installed, see the compatibility information discussed in Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 Release Notes.

Compatibility of Policy Agent 2.2 With Access Manager 6.3

All agents in Policy Agent 2.2 are also compatible with Access Manager 6.3 Patch 1 or greater. However, certain limitations apply. For more information, see J2EE Agent Backward Compatibility With Access Manager 6.3.