Deployment Example 1: Access Manager 7.0 Load Balancing, Distributed Authentication UI, and Session Failover

10.1 Installing Two Message Queue Instances

When session failover is implemented for Access Manager, session information is replicated in two backend session store databases. This ensures that when one Access Manager fails or stops, the information stored in the backend session databases can be used to keep the user continuously authenticated. If session failover is not implemented, when one Access Manager fails, if the user's session was created in the failed Access Manager server, the next time the user performs an operation that requires a session token, the user will have to use a login page to re-authenticate.

Use the following as your checklist for installing the Message Queue instances:

  1. Install Message Queue 1.

  2. Install Message Queue 2.

Figure 10–1 Session Failover

The Message Queue Broker cluster contains two
Message Queue servers. Each Message Queue server contains a Berkeley

Access Manager provides a web container-independent session failover feature that uses Sun Java System Message Queue (Message Queue). Message Queue is a messaging middleware product that enables distributed applications to communicate and exchange data by sending and receiving messages. In this Deployment Example, Access Managers uses Message Queue as a communications broker, and uses the Berkeley DB by Sleepycat Software, Inc. for the backend session store databases.

For detailed information about how Access Manager and Message Queue interact, see Implementing Access Manager Session Failover in Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Deployment Planning Guide in the Access Manager Deployment Planning Guide.

ProcedureTo Install Message Queue 1

Before You Begin

The Java ES installer must be mounted on the host computer system where you will install Message Queue. See the section “To Download and Unpack the Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 Installer”3.2 Downloading and Mounting the Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 Installer in this document.

  1. Log in as a root user to the host MessageQueue–1.

  2. Start the installer with -nodisplay option. Example:

    # cd /mnt/Solaris_sparc
    # ./installer -nodisplay
  3. When prompted, provide the following information:

     Welcome to the Sun Java(TM) 
    Enterprise System; 
    serious software made simple... 
    <Press ENTER to Continue>

    Press Enter. 

    Before you install this product,
    you must read and accept the entire    
    Software License Agreement under which
    this product is licensed for your 
    <Press ENTER to display the 
    Software License Agreement>

    Press Enter. 

    Language Support
    Please enter a comma separated list 
    of languages you would like supported   
    with this installation [8]

    Enter 8 for English.

    The following component products 
    are detected on this system. They will 
    appear disabled, "* *", in the following 
    Component Selection Main Menu 
    <Press ENTER to continue>

    Press Enter. 

    Component Selection - Main Menu 
    Enter a comma separated list of 
    products to install, or press R to 
    refresh the list  []: 

    Enter 12 for Message Queue.

    Based on product dependencies for 
    your selections,the installer will install: 
    [X] 12. Sun Java(TM) System 
    Message Queue 3 2005Q4 
    Enterprise Edition (10.06 MB) 
    Press "Enter" to Continue...

    Press Enter. 

    Shared Component Upgrades Required
    Enter 1 to upgrade these shared 
    components and 2 to cancel  [1]: 

    Accept the default value. 

    System Ready for Installation. 
    Memory detectionis disabled in a local 
    zone. Enter 1 to continue [1] 

    Accept the default value. 

    Screen for selecting Type of 
    1. Configure Now - Selectively 
    override defaults or 
    express through  2. Configure Later - 
    Manually configure following 
    Select Type of Configuration [1] 

    Enter 1 for Configure Now.

    Sun Java(TM) System Message 
    Queue 3 2005Q4 Enterprise Edition  
    1. Install 
    2. Start Over 
    3. Exit Installation. 
    What would you like to do [1]

    First, see the following (Optional) Step 4. When you're ready to install, press Enter to accept the default value. 

    Installation Complete
    Enter 1 to view installation 
    summary and Enter 2 to view 
    installation logs [1]

    Enter ! when you're ready to exit the installer program.

  4. (Optional) Monitor the log files and watch for installation errors.

    # cd /var/sadm/install/logs
    # tail -f Java_Enterprise_System_install.B10110830

ProcedureTo Install Message Queue 2

  1. Log in as a root user to the host MessageQueue–2.

  2. Start the installer with -nodisplay option. Example:

    # cd /mnt/Solaris_sparc
    # ./installer -nodisplay
  3. When prompted, provide the following information:

     Welcome to the Sun Java(TM) 
    Enterprise System; 
    serious software made simple... 
    <Press ENTER to Continue>

    Press Enter. 

    Before you install this product,
    you must read and accept the entire    
    Software License Agreement under which
    this product is licensed for your 
    <Press ENTER to display the 
    Software License Agreement>

    Press Enter. 

    Language Support
    Please enter a comma separated list 
    of languages you would like supported   
    with this installation [8]

    Enter 8 for English.

    The following component products 
    are detected on this system. They will 
    appear disabled, "* *", in the following 
    Component Selection Main Menu 
    <Press ENTER to continue>

    Press Enter. 

    Component Selection - Main Menu 
    Enter a comma separated list of 
    products to install, or press R to 
    refresh the list  []: 

    Enter 12 for Message Queue.

    Based on product dependencies for 
    your selections,the installer will install: 
    [X] 12. Sun Java(TM) System 
    Message Queue 3 2005Q4 
    Enterprise Edition (10.06 MB) 
    Press "Enter" to Continue...

    Press Enter. 

    Shared Component Upgrades Required
    Enter 1 to upgrade these shared 
    components and 2 to cancel  [1]: 

    Accept the default value. 

    System Ready for Installation. 
    Memory detectionis disabled in a local 
    zone. Enter 1 to continue [1] 

    Accept the default value. 

    Screen for selecting Type of 
    1. Configure Now - Selectively 
    override defaults or 
    express through  2. Configure Later - 
    Manually configure following 
    Select Type of Configuration [1] 

    Enter 1 for Configure Now.

    Sun Java(TM) System Message 
    Queue 3 2005Q4 Enterprise Edition  
    1. Install 
    2. Start Over 
    3. Exit Installation. 
    What would you like to do [1]

    First, see the following (Optional) Step 4. When you're ready to install, press Enter to accept the default value. 

    Installation Complete
    Enter 1 to view installation 
    summary and Enter 2 to view 
    installation logs [1]

    Enter ! when you're ready to exit the installer program.

  4. (Optional) Monitor the log files and watch for installation errors.

    # cd /var/sadm/install/logs
    # tail -f Java_Enterprise_System_install.B10110830