Deployment Example 1: Access Manager 7.0 Load Balancing, Distributed Authentication UI, and Session Failover

ProcedureTo Run the J2EE Policy Agent Installer on Application Server 2

Before You Begin

Application Server 2 must not be running when you install J2EE Policy Agent 2.

You must stop both the Application Server 2 instance and the administration server before installing J2EE Policy Agent 2.

# cd /usr/local/bea/user_projects/domains/ProtectedResource-2/bin/
# ./ ApplicationServer-2  t3://localhost:7001 
# cd /usr/local/bea/user_projects/domains/ProtectedResource-2/bin
# ./
  1. Unpack the J2EE Policy Agent bits.

    cd /opt
    # /usr/sfw/bin/gtar -xvf /export/software/SJS_Weblogic_9_agent_2.2.tar
    # gunzip ../SJS_Weblogic_9_agent_2.2.tar.gz
    # /usr/sfw/bin/gtar -xvf ../SJS_Weblogic_9_agent_2.2.tar
  2. Start the J2EE Policy Agent installer.

    # cd /opt/j2ee_agents/am_wl9_agent/bin
    # ./agentadmin --install
  3. When prompted, provide the following information:

    Please read the following License Agreement carefully:

    Press Enter to continue. Continue to press Enter until you reach the end of the License Agreement. 

    Enter startup script location.



    Enter the WebLogic Server instance name: [myserver]

    Enter ApplicationServer-2.

    Access Manager Services Host:


    Access Manager Services port: [80]

    Enter 90.

    Access Manager Services Protocol: [http]

    Enter http.

    Access Manager Services Deployment URI: [/amserver]

    Accept the default value. 

    Enter the Agent Host name:

    Enter the WebLogic home directory: 

    Enter /usr/loca/bea/weblogic91.

    Enter the port number for 
    Application Server instance [80]:

    Enter 1081.

    Enter the Preferred Protocol for 
    Application instance [http]:

    Accept the default value. 

    Enter the Deployment URI for 
    the Agent Application [/agentapp]

    Accept the default value. 

    Enter the Encryption Key 

    Accept the default value. 

    Enter the Agent Profile name:

    Enter j2eeagent-1.

    Enter the path to the password file:



    Are the Agent and Access Manager 
    installed on the same instance of 
    Application Server? [false]:

    Accept the default value. 

    Verify your settings and decide from the choices below:
    1. Continue with Installation
    2. Back to the last interaction
    3. Start Over
    4. Exit
    Please make your selection [1]:

    Accept the default value. 

  4. Check the installation log to make sure there are no problems reported.