Deployment Example 1: Access Manager 7.0 Load Balancing, Distributed Authentication UI, and Session Failover

ProcedureTo Verify that the Web Policy Agents Load Balancer is Working Properly

  1. Restart Web Server 1 on Protected Resource 1.

    #cd /opt/SUNWwbsvr/
    # ./stop; ./start
  2. Restart Web Server 2 on Protected Resource 2.

    #cd /opt/SUNWwbsvr/
    # ./stop; ./start
  3. In a browser, go to the following URL:

    The load balancer redirects the request to the Access Manager login page.

  4. Log in to the Access Manager console using the following information:





    If the default Web Server index.html page is displayed, then the load balancer is configured properly.

  5. Verify that Load Balancer 5 monitors are monitoring the Web Servers properly.

    1. Log in as a root user to Protected Resource 1.

    2. Run the tail command.

      # cd /opt/SUNWwbsvr/
      # tail -f access

      If you see frequent entries similar to this one:

      xxx.xx.69.18 - - [06/Oct/2006:13:53:07 -0700] "GET /launch.html" 200 8526

      then the custom monitor is configured properly. If you do not see "GET /launch.html", then you must troubleshoot the load balancer configuration.

    3. Log in as root to Protected Resource 2.

    4. Run the tail command.

      # cd /opt/SUNWwbsvr/
      # tail -f access

      If you see frequent entries similar to this one:

      xxx.xx.69.18 - - [06/Oct/2006:13:53:07 -0700] "GET /launch.html" 200 8526

      then the custom monitor is configured properly. If you do not see "GET /launch.html", then you must troubleshoot the load balancer configuration.