Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User's Guide for BEA WebLogic 6 and WebLogic 7 Plug-In 2.0

ProcedureTo Create a WebLogic Admin Server for 6.1

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click WebLogic.

  2. On the WebLogic Common Tasks page, click Manage 6.1 Admin Servers.

  3. On the Components Details page for the 6.1 Admin Server component, click the Run action next to default:install.

  4. To set variables for this Admin Server, click Select from List in the Plan Parameters section of the window.

    • To create a new set of variables that have different values from the default values, click Create Set.

      The Select Variable Setting From List window appears.

      1. In the text field at the top of the table, enter the name of the new variable settings set.

      2. To specify the name of the WebLogic Admin Server, click the box next to adminHost and type the name into the field.

      3. To change the port number for the WebLogic Admin Server from the default value of 7001, click the box next to adminPort and type the new number into the field.

      4. To specify that secure HTTP be used to connect to the WebLogic Admin Server, click the box next to secureConnect and type True into the field.

      5. To change the path to where WebLogic is installed, click the box next to wlHomeDir and type the path into the field.

      6. To change the WebLogic domain name, click the box next to domainName and type the domain name into the field.

        The remaining variables are pre-defined for you, although you can modify them if necessary.

        • The targetRefName is created based on the values for the host name and for the domain name. This variable follows the format :[target:sys.hostName]_admin_:[domainName]

        • The installPath is created based on the value for the domain name. This variable follows the format admin_:[domainName]

        • The webLogicJARPath is created based on the value for the WebLogic home directory. This variable follows the format :[wlHomeDir]:[/]lib:[/]weblogic.jar

      7. After updating the component variable values, click Save.

        The new variable settings display in the table.

      8. Click Select.

    • To use variable settings for another component, click Import Set.

      The Import Variable Settings window displays.

      1. If necessary, navigate to the Folder that contains the component with the variable settings to import.

      2. Select the component version.

        Note –

        Variable settings can vary between component versions.

      3. Click Import Variable Settings.

        The imported variable settings display in the table.

      4. Click Select.

  5. Select the target host.

  6. Click Run Plan (includes preflight).