Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User's Guide for BEA WebLogic 6 and WebLogic 7 Plug-In 2.0

ProcedureTo Manage WebLogic Server Instances

For each actual WebLogic admin server, you can run multiple server instances. This task explains how to create, start, and stop WebLogic server instances.

Note –

Do not manage your WebLogic applications outside of the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System. If you use the provisioning software, you must manage your WebLogic applications exclusively with the provisioning software.

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click WebLogic.

  2. On the WebLogic Common Tasks page, click Manage Server Instances.

  3. To create a managed server instance, click the Run action next to Default: Install in the Components Procedures list.

    1. To choose a set of variables that apply to this managed server, click Select from List in the Plan Parameters section of the window.

      • To create a new set of variables that have different values from the default values, click Create Set.

        The Select Variable Setting From List window appears.

        1. In the text field at the top of the table, enter the name of the new variable settings set.

        2. To specify the name of the WebLogic Admin Server on which this managed service instance will run, click the box next to adminServerHostName and type the name into the field. This must be an existing WebLogic Admin Server name.

        3. To provide a name for the managed server instance, click the box next to targetName and type the name into the field.

          This name will be used in the targetRefName to create the actual name for the managed server instance.

        4. To provide a full name for the managed server instance, click the box next to targetRefName and type the name into the field.

          By default, the targetRefName is created based on the host name, followed by the type of the host (such as “server”), followed by the targetName you provided in the previous step.

        5. To provide a path to where to install the managed server instance, click the box next to installPath and provide a complete path name.

          By default, the installPath is generated based on the type of the host, followed by the domain name of either the adminServerHostName or some other targetable component, followed by the targetName.

          Note –

          The value for the installPath variable is treated as a relative path to the default Remote Agent directory, unless you specify an absolute path, such as /opt or c:\mydir. For example, for a Windows Remote Agent, if you set the installPath variable to c/mydir, and deploy the file to an Agent with a default Remote Agent directory of c:\Program Files\N1 Service Provisioning System\agent, the file is deployed to c:\Program Files\N1 Service Provisioning System\agent\c\mydir.

        6. If this managed server is part of a cluster, provide the clusterHostName.

          Note –

          The managed server depends on the existence of this cluster. If the cluster does not yet exist, you must create it and then return to create the managed server instance.

        7. Provide a complete path to the WebLogic startup script.

          If an appropriate script does not exist, you cannot start the WebLogic server instance. You might need to modify the default WebLogic startup script. Specifically, make sure that you provide values for the following variables:

          • SERVER_NAME=server_name — The name of the WebLogic admin server; for example, managed2

          • ADMIN_URL=URL_for_server — The URL to the WebLogic server; for example,

          • WLS_USER=${1} — The username to be used for the WebLogic server. The ${1} nomenclature sets the WebLogic username to the first argument that you provide when you call the script. This usage bypasses the username prompt during server startup.

          • WLS_PW=${2} — The password for the WebLogic username. The ${2} nomenclature sets the WebLogic password to the password that you provide as the second argument when you call the script. This usage bypasses the password prompt during server startup.

          Note –

          When you make these changes to the startup script, make sure that you delete any old information in the script that would override the values that you defined. Also, be sure to set the script to run in the background, and to redirect the input and output streams for the script.

        8. After updating the component variable values, click Save.

          The new variable settings display in the table.

        9. Click Select.

          You are returned to the Components Details page for the managed server instance.

      • To use variable settings for another component, click Import Set.

        The Import Variable Settings window displays.

        1. If necessary, navigate to the Folder that contains the component with the variable settings to import.

        2. Select the component version.

          Note –

          Variable settings can vary between component versions.

        3. Click Import Variable Settings.

          The imported variable settings display in the table.

        4. Click Select.

          You are returned to the Components Details page for the managed server instance.

    2. On the Components Details page for the managed server instance, select the target host on which to run this managed server instance.

    3. Click Run Plan (includes preflight).

  4. To start a WebLogic managed server instance, click the Run action next to Start in the Component Procedures list on the Components Details page for the managed server instance.

    1. Choose a managed server.

    2. Click Run Selected Installations.

    3. Click Run Plan (includes preflight).

  5. To stop a WebLogic managed server instance, click the Run action next to Stop in the Component Procedures list on the Components Details page for the managed server instance.

    1. Choose a managed server.

    2. Click Run Selected Installations.

    3. Click Run Plan (includes preflight).