Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User's Guide for Oracle App Server 10g Plug-In 2.0

ProcedureTo Import a Topology

Upon completion of this task, components in N1 SPS will represent your topology.

  1. Identify the topology that you want to import.

  2. Follow the appropriate deployment procedure for the topology that you want to install.

    For more information, see Deploying Oracle Topologies.

  3. Create variable sets for the components and define variables so that they match what you have installed.

  4. Set the value for Full Install to FALSE.

    Most of the infrastructure plans give you the option for full install and uninstall. When you set this variable to FALSE, the N1 SPS software performs the plan at the provisioning software level without doing the Oracle portion. You can then import clusters using Create and Join, and you can import OC4J instances by running Create OC4J.

  5. Click Run Plan (includes preflight).