Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 Guide for Oracle Application Server 10g

agentadmin --agentInfo

This section demonstrates the format and use of the agentadmin command with the --agentInfo option.

Example 2–7 Command Format: agentadmin --agentInfo

The following example illustrates the format of the agentadmin command with the --agentInfo option:

./agentadmin --agentInfo AgentInstance-Dir

The following argument is supported with the agentadmin command when using the --agentInfo option:


Use this option to specify which agent instance directory, therefore which agent instance such as agent_002, you are requesting information about.

Example 2–8 Command Usage: agentadmin --agentInfo

Issuing the agentadmin command with the --agentInfo option provides you with information on the J2EE agent instance that you name in the command. For example, if you want information about a J2EE agent instance named agent_002 configured on Sun Java System Application Server 8.1, you can issue the command illustrated in the following example to obtain the type of output that follows:

./agentadmin --agentInfo agent_002

The following are the details for agent agent_002 :-
Application Server Config Directory:
Application Server Instance name: server2

In the preceding example, notice that information is provided only for the agent instance, agent_002, named in the command.