Deployment Example 2: Federation Using SAML v2

ProcedureTo Install Application Server 3 on Protected Resource 3

  1. As a root user, log into the Application Server 3 host.

  2. Start the Java Enterprise System installer with the -nodisplay option.

    # cd /mnt/Solaris_sparc 
    # ./installer -nodisplay
  3. When prompted, provide the following information:

    Welcome to the Sun Java(TM) Enterprise System; 
    serious software made  simple... 
    <Press ENTER to Continue>

    Press Enter. 

    <Press ENTER to display the Software 
    License Agreement>

    Press Enter. 

    Have you read, and do you accept, all of 
    the termsof the preceding Software 
    License Agreement [No] 

    Enter y.

    Please enter a comma separated list of 
    languages you would like supported with 
    this installation [8]

    Enter 8 for “English only.” 

    Do you want to install the full set of Sun Java (TM) 
    Enterprise System Products and Services? [Yes]

    Enter No.

    Enter a comma separated list of 
    products to install,or press R to 
    refresh the list  []

    Enter 14 to install Sun Java (TM) Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q4.

    Component Selection — Selected Product 

    Sun Java (TM) Application Server 
    Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q4.

    Enter a comma separated list of 
    productsto install,or press R to 
    refresh the list  []

    Enter 1,3,5,6 to install Domain Administration Server, Command Line Administration Tool, PointBase Database, and the Sample Applications.

    Press "Enter" to Continue or Enter a 
    comma separated list of products to deselect... [1] 

    Press Enter. 

    Enter 1 to upgrade these shared components 
    and 2 to cancel  [1]

    You are prompted to upgrade shared components only if the installer detects that an upgrade is required. 

    Enter 1 to upgrade shared components.

    Enter the name of the target 
    installation directory for each product: 
    Web Server [/opt/SUNWappserver] : 

    Accept the default value. 

    Data and Server Configuration [/var/opt/SUNWappserver]

    Accept the default value. 

    System ready for installation 
    Enter 1 to continue [1]  

    Enter 1.

    1. Configure Now - Selectively override defaults or 
    express through  
    2. Configure Later - Manually configure following installation 
     Select Type of Configuration [1]  

    Enter 1.

    Common Server Settings  
    Enter Host Name [ProtectedResource-3]

    Accept the default value. 

    Enter DNS Domain Name []

    Accept the default value. 

    Enter IP Address []

    Accept the default value. 

    Enter Server admin User ID [admin]   

    Accept the default value. 

    Enter Admin User's Password 
    (Password cannot be less than 8 characters) 

    For this example, enter 11111111.

    Confirm Admin User's Password []

    Enter the same password to confirm it. 

    Enter System User [root]

    Accept the default value. 

    Enter System Group [root]

    Accept the default value. 

    Admin User Name: [admin]

    Accept the default value. 

    Password (min. 8 characters) []

    For this example, enter 11111111.

    Re-enter Password []

    For this example, enter 11111111.

    Admin Port [4849]

    Accept the default value. 

    JMX Port [8686]

    Accept the default value. 

    HTTP Port [8080]

    Accept the default value. 

    HTTPS Port [8181]

    Accept the default value. 

    Master Password (min. 8 characters) [ ]

    For this example, enter 11111111.

    Re-enter Master Password (min. 8 characters) [ ]

    For this example, enter 11111111.

    Ready to Install
    1. Install 2. Start Over 3. Exit Installation
    What would you like to do [1] 

    When ready to install, enter 1.

  4. After you have exited the installer, start Application Server 3:

    # cd /opt/SUNWappserver/appserver/bin
    # ./asadmin start-domain --user admin --password 11111111
    Starting Domain domain1, please wait.
    Log redirected to /var/opt/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/logs/server.log.
    Domain domain1 started.
  5. To verify that the Application Server 3 is successfully installed, go to the Application Server URL:


    The default Application Server page is displayed and contains the following message: “Your server is up and running!”