Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 Guide for BEA WebLogic Server/Portal 9.2

Installing Agent for BEA WebLogic Server/Portal 9.2 on the Access Manager Host

Note –

The prompt illustrated in this section is presented by the installer of Agent for BEA WebLogic Server/Portal 9.2. However, at the time of the release of this agent, installing Access Manager on BEA WebLogic Server/Portal 9.2 is not supported. Until that support is in place, ensure the following apply:

Once this collocation scenario is supported, if Agent for BEA WebLogic Server/Portal 9.2 and Access Manager are installed on the same container, enter true for the following prompt:

Enter true if the Agent is being installed on the same instance of Application
Server on which Access Manager is deployed. Enter false if that is not the
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Are the Agent and Access Manager installed on the same instance of
Application Server ? [false]: true