Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 Guide for Sun Java System Web Server 7.0

agentadmin --listAgents

This section demonstrates the format and use of the agentadmin command with the --listAgents option.

Example 2–5 Command Format: agentadmin --listAgents

The following example illustrates the format of the agentadmin command with the --listAgents option:

./agentadmin --listAgents

No arguments are currently supported with the agentadmin command when using the --listAgents option.

Example 2–6 Command Usage: agentadmin --listAgents

Issuing the agentadmin command with the --listAgents option provides you with information about all the configured web agents on that machine. For example, if two web agents were configured on Sun Java System Web Server 7.0, the following text demonstrates the type of output that would result from issuing this command:

The following agents are configured on this Web Server.

The following are the details for agent Agent_001 :-
Sun Java System Web Server Config Directory:

The following are the details for agent Agent_002 :-
Sun Java System Web Server Config Directory:

Notice that the agentadmin program provides unique names, such as Agent_001 and Agent_002, to all the web agents that protect the same instance of a deployment container, in this case Web Server 7.0. Each name uniquely identifies the web agent instance.

Note –

The string “Agent” in Agent_00x is configurable. You can change this string by editing the following file: PolicyAgent-base/config/