Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 Guide for Sun Java System Web Server 7.0

ProcedureTo Disable the Default Trust Behavior of Agent for Sun Java System Web Server 7.0

With the property set to true, the web agent does not perform certificate checking. Setting this property to false is one of the steps involved in enabling the web agent to perform certificate checking as illustrated in the following task.

  1. Set the following property in the web agent configuration file to false as follows: = false
  2. Set the directory Cert DB in the web agent configuration file.

    The following is a UNIX-based example of how to set this property: = /opt/SUNWam/servers/alias

  3. Set the Cert DB Prefix, if required.

    In cases where the specified Cert DB directory has multiple certificate databases, the following property must be set to the prefix of the certificate database to be used:

    Set the property as follows: =