Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 Guide for Sun Java System Web Server 7.0

Preparing to Install Agent for Sun Java System Web Server 7.0

Follow the specific steps outlined in this section before you install the web agent to reduce the chance of complications occurring during and after the installation.

ProcedureTo Prepare to Install Policy Agent 2.2 for Sun Java System Web Server 7.0

Perform the following pre-installation tasks:

  1. Ensure that Policy Agent 2.2 for Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 is supported on the desired platform as listed in Supported Platforms and Compatibility of Agent for Sun Java System Web Server 7.0.

  2. Install Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 if not already installed.

    Refer to the Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 documentation for details on how best to install and configure this server for your platform.

  3. Ensure that Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 has the latest patches available.

  4. Set your JAVA_HOME environment variable to a JDK version 1.5.0 or higher.

    The installation requires that you set up your JAVA_HOME variable correctly. However, if you have incorrectly set the JAVA_HOME variable, the setup script will prompt you for supplying the correct JAVA_HOME value:

    Please enter JAVA_HOME path to pick up java:

  5. (Conditional) Create a valid agent profile in Access Manager Console if one has not already been created.

    Web agents can function without the creation of an agent profile. However, creating an agent profile provides greater security. Furthermore, the creation of an agent profile is necessary when cross domain single sign-on (CDSSO) is configured with Access Manager. For information on how to create an agent profile, see Chapter 5, The Relationship Between the Agent Profile and Web Agents in Policy Agent 2.2.

    To avoid a misconfiguration of the agent, ensure that you know the exact ID and password used to create the agent profile. You must enter the agent profile password correctly in the next step and you must enter the agent profile ID correctly when installing the agent.

  6. Create a text file and add the agent profile password to that file.

    Ensure that this file is located in a secure directory of your choice. You will refer to this file during the agent installation process.

    With the agent profile password in this file, stored in a secure location, you do not need to enter sensitive information in the console. A valid password file can have only one line that contains the agent profile password.

  7. Unpack the product binaries


    where web-server-version is a placeholder for the name of the .zip file. This file name is derived by combining an abbreviation of the agent name with an abbreviation of the respective platform.

  8. (Conditional) On UNIX-based systems, ensure that specific programs have executable permissions.

    1. Change directories to PolicyAgent-base/bin.

    2. Ensure executable permissions are set for the following programs:

      • agentadmin

      • crypt_util

      • certutil

      For example the following command is one method for setting executable permissions for these three programs:

      chmod +x agentadmin certutil crypt_util