Technical Note: Sun Java System Access Manager Cross-Domain Single Sign-On

Configuring the J2EE Agent for CDSSO

For J2EE agents, the CDSSO Redirect Servlet is also deployed but disabled by default. No special steps are required during agent installation. After the installation, you should see the following default CDSSO processing properties in the file:

com.sun.identity.agents.config.cdsso.enable = false
com.sun.identity.agents.config.cdsso.redirect.uri = /agentapp/sunwCDSSORedirectURI
com.sun.identity.agents.config.cdsso.cdcservlet.url[0] =
com.sun.identity.agents.config.cdsso.clock.skew = 0[0] =

Note –

the URL points to the CDC servlet on the Access Manager. The Access Manager protocol, host and port are provided during the agent installation. The two properties, cdcservlet.url and provider, are typically added by the agent installer.

If a J2EE agent resides in the same DNS domain as the Access Manager, CDSSO is not necessary and should be disabled. Check and ensure this property value remains the default "false": com.sun.identity.agents.config.cdsso.enable = false.

If a J2EE agent resides in a different DNS domain than the Access Manager, CDSSO can be enabled like this:

com.sun.identity.agents.config.cdsso.enable = true
com.sun.identity.agents.config.cdsso.redirect.uri = /agentapp/sunwCDSSORedirectURI
com.sun.identity.agents.config.cdsso.cdcservlet.url[0] =
com.sun.identity.agents.config.cdsso.clock.skew = 0[0] =

If multiple Access Manager instances are behind a load balancer, then the actual Access Manager CDC servlet URL for all Access Manager instances should be added to the trusted ID provider list. This list will be consulted when the policy agent CDSSO Redirect Servlet receives the AuthNResponse. If the individual Access Manager CDC servlet URLs are not in the list, the agent rejects the AuthnReponse from a non trusted provider like this:

ERROR: LibertyAuthnResponseHandler : Response received from an untrusted provider 

For example: if ide-14 and ide-15 are two SSL-enabled Access Manager instances behind a load balancer, then the agent CDSSO configuration should look like this:

com.sun.identity.agents.config.cdsso.enable = true
com.sun.identity.agents.config.cdsso.redirect.uri = /agentapp/sunwCDSSORedirectURI
com.sun.identity.agents.config.cdsso.cdcservlet.url[0] =
com.sun.identity.agents.config.cdsso.clock.skew = 0[0] =[1] =[2] =

Technically, you don't need the load balancer's URL in the trusted provider list. The load balancer URL is derived from the detected Access Manager host, port, and URL, and then added by the agent installer. But it doesn't hurt to have the load balancer URL in the trusted provider list.

The clock skew factor is used to handle minor system clock drifts between the agent and the Access Manager instances. Even with the presence of this parameter, it's a good practice to synchronize system clocks between Access Manager servers and policy agents with a NTP service.