Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 Guide for BEA WebLogic Server/Portal 10

ProcedureTo Prepare to Install the WebLogic Server/Portal 10 Agent

  1. Ensure that the agent for WebLogic Server/Portal 10 is supported on the desired platform, as listed in Supported Platforms and Compatibility of Agent for WebLogic Server/Portal 10.

  2. Install WebLogic Server/Portal 10, if it is not already installed.

    For information about installing WebLogic Server 10 or WebLogic Portal 10, see the BEA product documentation at

  3. Create a server or portal domain.

    Using the configuration or domain wizard appropriate for your server version and operating system, create a new stand-alone server domain. Typically, the configuration wizard launch script or program is located in the respective directory, as follows:

    • UNIX and Linux systems: DeployContainer-base/wlserver_10.0/common/bin/

    • Windows systems: DeployContainer-base\wlserver_10.0\common\bin\config.cmd

  4. Shut down the WebLogic Server/Portal 10 instance that will be protected by the agent.

  5. Create an agent profile in the Access Manager Console, if one has not already been created.

    For information, see Creating a J2EE Agent Profile.

    To install the agent, you must know the agent profile ID and password used to create the agent profile. You must enter the agent profile password in the next step, and you must enter the agent profile ID when installing the agent.

  6. Create an agent profile password file.

    An agent profile password file is a text file with only one line that contains the agent profile password. You will refer to this file during the agent installation process. Ensure that this file is located in a secure directory. With the agent profile password in this file, stored in a secure location, you do not need to enter sensitive information during the agent installation.

  7. Ensure that the ownership and group settings for the files in the PolicyAgent-base directory are correct.

    For information about the PolicyAgent-base directory, seeWebLogic Server/Portal 10 Agent Directory Structure.

    Often, installations are performed by a user with root permissions. In these cases, the potential problems discussed subsequently in this step would not apply.

    Therefore, if necessary, change the ownership of all the files in the PolicyAgent-base directory to the WebLogic Server/Portal 10 installation user and change the group associated with these files to the same group associated with the WebLogic Server/Portal 10 installation user.

    Caution – Caution –

    For the agent installation to be successful, the WebLogic Server/Portal 10 installation user must have write permissions to the files in the Policy Agent base directory. Furthermore, to help prevent permission problems, the ownership of all the files in the Policy Agent base directory should be changed to the WebLogic Server/Portal 10 installation user. Otherwise, permission-related issues might occur, which can be as serious as WebLogic Server/Portal 10 not starting.