Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 Guide for BEA WebLogic Server/Portal 10

ProcedureTo Uninstall the WebLogic Server/Portal 10 Agent

  1. Change to the following directory:


    This directory contains the agentadmin program, which is used for uninstalling a J2EE agent and for performing other tasks. For more information on the agentadmin program, see Key Features and Tasks Performed With the J2EE agentadmin Program.

  2. Issue one of the following commands:

    ./agentadmin --uninstall


    ./agentadmin --uninstallAll

    The --uninstall removes only one instance of the agent, while the --uninstallAll option removes all configured instances of the agent.

  3. The uninstall program launches and prompts you for the following information:

    • Startup script location

    • WebLogic domain secured by the agent

      Enter the appropriate values or accept the default values.

  4. The uninstall program displays your choices and then asks if you want to continue:

    To continue with the uninstallation, select 1 (the default).

Example 7–1 Uninstallation Sample for the WebLogic Server/Portal 10 Agent

Welcome to the Access Manager Policy Agent for BEA WebLogic 10.0 Platform.
If the Policy Agent is used with Federation Manager services, User needs to
enter information relevant to Federation Manager.

Enter the path to the location of the script used to start the WebLogic domain.
Please ensure that the agent is first installed on the admin server instance
before installing on any managed server instance.
[ ? : Help, ! : Exit ]
Enter the Startup script location

Enter the name of the WebLogic Server instance secured by the agent.
[ ? : Help, < : Back, ! : Exit ]
Enter the WebLogic Server instance name [myserver]:

Startup script location :
WebLogic domain name : myserver

Verify your settings above and decide from the choices below.
1. Continue with Uninstallation
2. Back to the last interaction
3. Start Over
4. Exit
Please make your selection [1]:

Next Steps

After you uninstall the agent, when the server is stopped, edit the WebLogic Server/Portal 10 start up script ( or startWebLogic.cmd) to remove the line that adds the agent environment variable script path, as described in Configuring WebLogic Server/Portal 10 Instance With the Agent Classpath and Agent Java Options.