Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 Guide for BEA WebLogic Server/Portal 10

Summary of a J2EE Agent Installation in Policy Agent 2.2

At the end of the installation process, the installation program prints the status of the installation along with the installed agent information. The information that the program displays can be very useful. For example, the program displays the agent instance name, which is needed when configuring a remote instance. The program also displays the location of specific files, which can be of great importance. In fact, you might want to view the installation log file once the installation is complete, before performing the post-installation steps as described in Chapter 4, Post-Installation Tasks for the WebLogic Server/Portal 10 Agent.

Information regarding the location of the J2EE agent base directory is explained in detail in WebLogic Server/Portal 10 Agent PolicyAgent-base Directory.

The following type of information is printed by the installer:

Agent instance name: Agent_001
Agent Configuration file location:
Agent Audit directory location:
Agent Debug directory location:

Install log file location:

Thank you for using Access Manager Policy Agent

Once the agent is installed, the directories shown in the preceding example are created in the Agent_00x directory, which for this example is specifically Agent_001. Those directories and files are briefly described in the following paragraphs.


Location of the J2EE agent configuration file for the agent instance. Every instance of a J2EE agent has a unique copy of this file. You can configure this file to meet your site's requirements. For more information, see the following sections:


Location of the J2EE agent local audit trail.


Location of all debug files required to debug an agent installation or configuration issue.


Location of the file that has the agent install file location. If the installation failed for any reason, you can look at this file to diagnose the issue.