Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 Guide for BEA WebLogic Server/Portal 10

Deploy the Agent Application of Agent for WebLogic Server/Portal 10: Cluster

Before preceding to this task description, documented in Deploying the Agent Application, take note of the information provided in this section.

You must deploy the agent application on every instance on which the agent has been installed. Failing to do so might disable the agent notification system on the Managed Servers, which in turn would prevent the agent from receiving important notifications. All agent applications hosted on the same instance use the agent application deployed in that instance. Each Managed Server needs to have the agent application deployed so that no Managed Server instance is dependent upon another Managed Server instance for notifications.

You also have the option of deploying the agent application using the WebLogic Server/Portal 10 Administration Console as detailed in the following task description.

ProcedureTo Deploy the Agent Application in the WebLogic Server/Portal 10 Administration Console

If the agent was installed and configured on more than one managed instance, the agent housekeeping application agentapp.war has to be deployed on each and every Managed Server instance. This can be done through the Administration Console. The deployment can have multiple applications protected by the same agent running on the same Managed Server instance. All the applications in the same WebLogic Server/Portal 10 server instance use the agent application deployed with this instance.

If more than one instance is being configured and protected by the agent, each Managed Server instance requires that the agent application be deployed. Thereby, no WebLogic Server/Portal 10 instance is dependent on any other instance for agent housekeeping operations.

  1. Expand the Deployments tab.

  2. Click Lock & Edit.

  3. In the right pane, click Install.

  4. Click “upload your file(s).”

    This action uploads the agentapp.war file from the following directory:


    When selecting the target for the Web Application module, you have the option of selecting the entire cluster or individual servers. Deploy the agentapp.war file for every server node on which you will install the agent.