Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 Guide for Apache HTTP Server 2.2

Chapter 3 About the Apache HTTP Server 2.2 Policy Agent

While the individual web agents are similar in terms of installation and configuration, they have unique characteristics that allow them to interact with the underlying deployment container. This chapter describes the characteristics that are unique to the Apache HTTP Server 2.2 policy agent, including:

Supported Platforms and Compatibility for the Apache HTTP Server 2.2 Policy Agent

Supported Platforms for the Apache HTTP Server 2.2 Policy Agent

Table 3–1 Supported Platforms for the Apache HTTP Server 2.2

Agent for 

Supported Platforms 

Apache HTTP Server 2.2 

SolarisTM Operating System (OS) for the SPARC® platform, versions 8, 9, and 10

Solaris (OS) for x86 platforms, versions 8, 9, and 10 

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server, version 3.0, 32–bit and 64–bit 

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server, version 4.0, 32–bit and 64–bit 

SUSE Linux 10.1 

Windows 2003, Enterprise Edition 

Windows 2003, Standard Edition 

Note –

The Apache HTTP Server 2.2 agent is verified with the Apache default Multi-Processing Module (MPM) on supported platforms, as described in:

Compatibility of the Apache HTTP Server 2.2 Agent With Sun Java System Access Manager

Compatibility With Access Manager 7.1 and Access Manager 7 2005Q4

The Apache HTTP Server 2.2 agent is compatible with Access Manager 7.1 (both Realm Mode and Legacy Mode) and Access Manager 7 2005Q4 (also both Realm Mode and Legacy Mode).

To ensure that all Access Manager enhancements and fixes are applied, install the latest Access Manager patches . For the list of patches that can be installed, see the compatibility information in the Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 Release Notes.

Compatibility With Access Manager 6 2005Q1 (6.3)

The Apache HTTP Server 2.2 agent is compatible with Access Manager 6 2005Q1 (6.3) Patch 1 or greater. However, certain limitations can apply. For more information about these limitations, see Backward Compatibility With Access Manager 6.3.

Information Specific to the Apache HTTP Server 2.2 Agent

This section describes characteristics that are unique about to the Apache HTTP Server 2.2 agent, including Development Through the OpenSSO Project

The Apache HTTP Server 2.2 agent is unique in that it does not support the following features:

Development Through the OpenSSO Project

The Apache HTTP Server 2.2 agent was developed as part of the OpenSSO project and therefore differs from other web agents developed outside of this project. For more information about the differences, see Chapter 2, Vital Installation Information for a Web Agent in Policy Agent 2.2.

For information about the OpenSSO project, see


The Apache HTTP Server 2.2 agent does not support notifications. Therefore, updating the cache through a notification mechanism is not an available feature. However, since the notification mechanism is available for other agents in the Policy Agent 2.2 software set, a property exists in the web agent configuration file. The property that controls the notification mechanism,, is set to false for this agent. Do not set this property to true for this agent, because it might result in unexpected behavior.

The two following properties can also affect notifications for most agents:

However, you can ignore these properties for this agent.

Log Rotation

While most web agents have log rotation turned on by default, this agent has log rotation turned off by default. Log rotation is controlled by a property in the web agent configuration file. The following example illustrates the default setting of this property for this agent: = false

Do not change the value of this property to true for this agent. A setting of true results in log rotation that is inconsistent and unpredictable.