Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 Guide for Apache HTTP Server 2.2

ProcedureTo Update the Agent Profile Name and Agent Profile Password

  1. Update the following property in the web agent configuration file:

    Replace the value of this property with the agent profile name you just updated in the Access Manager Console.

  2. Go to the following directory:


  3. Encrypt the new password. For example, on Solaris systems:

    # ./crypt_util agent-profile-password

    where agent-profile-password represents the agent profile password you just updated in the Access Manager Console.

    Windows systems: Use the cryptit script to encrypt the password.

  4. Copy the output from the crypt_util command and paste it as the value for the following property:
  5. Restart the Apache HTTP Server 2.2 web container and try to access a resource protected by the agent.

    If the agent is redirected to Access Manager, this indicates the above steps were executed properly.