Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 Guide for Apache HTTP Server 2.2

Installing the Apache HTTP Server 2.2 Agent

The agent installation program (agentadmin) performs the following operations:

ProcedureTo Install the Apache HTTP Server 2.2 Agent

  1. Change to the PolicyAgent-base/bin directory.


    For information about the PolicyAgent-base directory, seeLocation of the Web Agent Base Directory in Policy Agent 2.2.

  2. Issue the following command:

    ./agentadmin --install
  3. If you receive license agreement information, accept or reject the agreement. If you reject any portion of the agreement, the installation program will end.

    The license agreement is displayed only during the first run of the agentadmin program.

  4. After you accept the license agreement (if necessary), provide the following information when requested by the installation program (or accept the default values):

    • Path to the Apache HTTP Server 2.2 configuration directory

    • Access Manager services host name, port, and protocol

    • Access Manager services deployment URI

    • Agent host name, port, and protocol

    • Agent profile name and password file

    The prompts are shown in Example of the Installation Program Interaction for the Apache HTTP Server 2.2 Agent.

    Key points about the installation program to consider include:

    • Each step in the installation program includes an explanation that is followed by a more succinct prompt.

    • For most of the steps you can type any of the following characters to get the results described:


      Type the question mark to display Help information for that specific step.


      Type the left arrow symbol to go back to the previous interaction.


      Type the exclamation point to exit the program.

    • Most of the steps provide a default value that can be accepted or replaced. If a default value is correct for your site, accept it. If it is not correct, enter the correct value.

  5. After you entered all values, the installation program displays a summary of your responses.

    Note the agent instance name, such as Agent_001. You might be prompted for this name during the configuration process.

    • If you are satisfied with the summary, choose 1 (the default).

    • If you want to edit input from the last interaction, choose 2.

    • If you want to edit input starting at the beginning of the installation program, choose 3.

    • If you want to exit the installation program without installing, choose 4.

    Edit your responses if needed. When you are satisfied with your responses, choose option 1 to continue with the installation.