Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 Guide for Microsoft IIS 6.0 With Outlook Web Access 2007/SharePoint 2007

Updating the Agent Profile Name and the Agent Profile Password in Web Agents

After you have changed the agent profile in Access Manager Console, assign the values for the agent profile name and the agent profile password to the corresponding properties in the web agent configuration file. This process involves the following:

The procedures specified in the preceding list are detailed in the task description that follows.

ProcedureTo Update the Agent Profile Name and Agent Profile Password

  1. Update the following property in the web agent configuration file:

    Replace the value of this property with the agent profile name you just updated in Access Manager Console.

  2. Go to the following directory:

  3. Execute the following script from the command line

    cryptit agent-profile-password

    where agent-profile-password represents the agent profile password you just updated in Access Manager Console.

  4. Copy the output obtained after issuing the cryptit agent-profile-password command and paste it as the value for the following property:
  5. Restart the deployment container and try accessing any resource protected by the agent.

    If the agent gets redirected to Access Manager, this indicates the above steps were executed properly.