Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 Guide for Microsoft IIS 6.0 With Outlook Web Access 2007/SharePoint 2007

Miscellaneous Property Configurations

The following subsections describe miscellaneous configurations you can implement by editing the web agent configuration file.

Preventing the Query Parameter sunwMethod in the Redirect URL

In CDSSO mode, a query parameter sunwMethod is used in the redirect URL from Access Manager to the application protected by the agent. This query parameter causes some applications to fail.

If you would like to prevent this query parameter from appearing in the redirect URL, set the value of the following property to true as indicated: = true

Sending Composite Advice as a Query Parameter

For Policy Agent 2.2, composite advice is typically sent as POST data. However, if you would like to send composite advice as a query parameter instead, set the following property to true as indicated: = true