Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 Guide for Microsoft IIS 6.0 With Outlook Web Access 2007/SharePoint 2007

Appendix B Troubleshooting a Web Agent Deployment

This appendix applies to Agent for Microsoft IIS 6.0. If a problem is discussed in this appendix, it either applies only to this agent or it applies to two or more agents with one of them being this agent. This appendix explains how you can resolve problems that you might encounter while deploying or using this web agent. Be sure to also check the Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 Release Notes, to see if the problem that you encounter is a known limitation of this web agent. If workarounds are available for such problems, they will be provided in the release notes.

Troubleshooting Symptoms in Agent for Microsoft IIS 6.0

This section includes problems you might encounter. The explanation of the symptom is followed by possible causes and solutions.

Troubleshooting Symptom 1

Symptom: Cannot install the web agent after a previous installation has been removed.

Possible Causes:

Possible Solution: To resolve the issue, manually remove the web agent as explained in the following task description.

ProcedureTo Manually Remove Agent for Microsoft IIS 6.0

  1. Stop all of the web sites.

  2. Stop all of the application pools.

  3. Remove entries from product registry

    1. Issue the following command from the command line:

    2. Traverse to the following:

    3. Click Software

    4. Click Sun Microsystems

    5. Remove the following entry:

      Access Manager IIS6 Agent

  4. Remove the PolicyAgent-base directory from the server.

    where PolicyAgent-base represents the directory in which the web agent was originally installed.

  5. Remove the appropriate directory depending on the version of this agent.

    • The 64–bit Agent for IIS 6.0 version & the OWA 2007 version

      For these two versions of the agent, remove the following directory:

    • The SharePoint 2007 version

      For this version of the agent, remove the following directory:

  6. Restart the server.

Troubleshooting Symptom 2

Symptom:When a user attempts to access a resource using Internet Explorer as the browser, access is denied.

Possible Cause: Internet Explorer overrides the port number of the web agent with the Access Manager port number. In such cases, the agent log file lists the URL that is being evaluated. The port number for that URL is incorrect.

Possible Solution: You can ensure this problem does not occur by setting the following property in the web agent configuration file to true as shown: = true

Troubleshooting Symptom 3

Symptom: This troubleshooting symptom applies when Agent for Microsoft IIS 6.0 protects Microsoft Office SharePoint or Outlook Web Access. After issuing the appropriate configuration command (OwaAdmin.vbs -config defaultConfig for the Outlook Web Access 2007 version of this agent or SPAdmin.vbs -config defaultConfig for the Microsoft Office SharePoint 2007 version of this agent), one of the following messages appear, depending on the version of this agent:

For Outlook Web Access 2007:

"C:\Agents\iis_v6_WINNT_agent\web_agents\iis6_agent\bin\OwaAdmin.vbs (null): Cannot create a file when that file already exists. "

For Microsoft Office SharePoint 2007”

"C:\Agents\iis_v6_WINNT_agent\web_agents\iis6_agent\bin\SPAdmin.vbs(307, 4) (null): Cannot create a file when that file already exists."

Possible Cause: As explained in the preceding messages, a .dll file was manually removed and not reloaded with the same name.

For Outlook Web Access 2007:

The amowafilter64.dll file was manually removed and not loaded back with the same name "amowafilter."

For Microsoft Office SharePoint 2007:

The amsharepointfilter32.dll was manually removed and not loaded back with the same name "amspfilter".

Possible Solution: As explained in the preceding messages, issue the appropriate scripts to clear the first issuance and to then reissue the original command.

For Outlook Web Access 2007:

Run the command cscript OwaAdmin.vbs -unconfig c:\amconfig.txt followed by cscript OwaAdmin.vbs -config c:\amconfig.txt.

For Microsoft Office SharePoint 2007:

Run the command cscript SPAdmin.vbs -unconfig c:\amconfig.txt followed bycscript SPAdmin.vbs -config c:\amconfig.txt.