Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 Guide for Apache Tomcat 6.0

Example of Installation Program Interaction in Agent for Apache Tomcat 6.0

The following example is a sample installation snapshot of Policy Agent 2.2 for Apache Tomcat 6.0. By no means does this sample represent a real deployment scenario.

The section following this example, Implications of Specific Deployment Scenarios in Agent for Apache Tomcat 6.0, provides a short explanation about installing a J2EE agent on multiple Apache Tomcat 6.0 instances. If your deployment includes multiple instances of the deployment container, you might want to review that section before proceeding with the agent installation. See Installing a J2EE Agent on Multiple Apache Tomcat 6.0 Instances.

Welcome to the Access Manager Policy Agent for Apache Tomcat 6.0 Servlet/JSP


Enter the complete path to the directory which is used by Tomcat Server to
store its configuration Files. This directory uniquely identifies the
Tomcat Server instance that is secured by this Agent.
[ ? : Help, ! : Exit ]
Enter the Tomcat Server Config Directory Path

Enter the fully qualified host name of the server where Access Manager
Services are installed.
[ ? : Help, < : Back, ! : Exit ]
Access Manager Services Host:

Enter the port number of the Server that runs Access Manager Services.
[ ? : Help, < : Back, ! : Exit ]
Access Manager Services port [80]: 

Enter http/https to specify the protocol used by the Server that runs Access
Manager services.
[ ? : Help, < : Back, ! : Exit ]
Access Manager Services Protocol [http]: 

Enter the Deployment URI for Access Manager Services.
[ ? : Help, < : Back, ! : Exit ]
Access Manager Services Deployment URI [/amserver]: 

Enter the fully qualified host name on which the Application Server
protected by the agent is installed. 
[ ? : Help, < : Back, ! : Exit ]
Enter the Agent Host name:

$CATALINA_HOME environment variable is the root of the tomcat
[ ? : Help, < : Back, ! : Exit ]
Enter the $CATALINA_HOME environment variable: /opt/apache-tomcat-6.0.14/ 

Choose yes to deploy the policy agent in the global web.xml file.
[ ? : Help, < : Back, ! : Exit ]
Install agent filter in global web.xml ? [true]: 

Enter the preferred port number on which the application server provides its
[ ? : Help, < : Back, ! : Exit ]
Enter the port number for Application Server instance [80]: 

Select http or https to specify the protocol used by the Application server
instance that will be protected by Access Manager Policy Agent.
[ ? : Help, < : Back, ! : Exit ]
Enter the Preferred Protocol for Application Server instance [http]: 

Enter the deployment URI for the Agent Application. This Application is used
by the agent for internal housekeeping.
[ ? : Help, < : Back, ! : Exit ]
Enter the Deployment URI for the Agent Application [/agentapp]: 

Enter a valid Encryption Key.
[ ? : Help, < : Back, ! : Exit ]
Enter the Encryption Key [kPd9i5QsulOzHqOT9q1vvzuHC2RNo9Sx]: 

Enter a valid Agent profile name. Before proceeding with the agent
installation, please ensure that a valid Agent profile exists in Access
[ ? : Help, < : Back, ! : Exit ]
Enter the Agent Profile name: MyAgent

Enter the path to a file that contains the password to be used for identifying
the Agent.
[ ? : Help, < : Back, ! : Exit ]
Enter the path to the password file: /tmp/agentpass.txt

Tomcat Server Config Directory : /opt/apache-tomcat-6.0.14/conf
Access Manager Services Host : 
Access Manager Services Port : 80 
Access Manager Services Protocol : http 
Access Manager Services Deployment URI : /amserver 
Agent Host name : 
$CATALINA_HOME environment variable : /opt/apache-tomcat-6.0.14/ 
Tomcat global web.xml filter install : true 
Application Server Instance Port number : 80 
Protocol for Application Server instance : http 
Deployment URI for the Agent Application : /agentapp 
Encryption Key : kPd9i5QsulOzHqOT9q1vvzuHC2RNo9Sx 
Agent Profile name : MyAgent 
Agent Profile Password file name : /tmp/agentpass.txt 

Verify your settings above and decide from the choices below.
1. Continue with Installation
2. Back to the last interaction
3. Start Over
4. Exit
Please make your selection [1]: 1

Updating the /opt/apache-tomcat-6.0.14/bin/ script with
the Agent classpath ...DONE.

Creating directory layout and configuring Agent file for Agent_001
instance ...DONE.

Reading data from file /tmp/agentpass.txt and encrypting it ...DONE.

Generating audit log file name ...DONE.

Creating tag swapped file for instance Agent_001 ...DONE.

Creating a backup for file /opt/apache-tomcat-6.0.14/conf/server.xml ...DONE.

Creating a backup for file /opt/apache-tomcat-6.0.14/conf/web.xml ...DONE.

Adding SJS Tomcat Agent Realm to Server XML file :
/opt/apache-tomcat-6.0.14/conf/server.xml ...DONE.

Adding filter to Global deployment descriptor file :
/opt/apache-tomcat-6.0.14/conf/web.xml ...DONE.

Adding SJS Tomcat Agent Filter and Form login authentication to selected Web
applications ...DONE