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Sun Java System Application Server Standard and Enterprise Edition 7 2004Q2 Performance and Tuning Guide 


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Chapter 1   About Application Server Performance
Process Overview
The Importance of Tuning
General Tuning Concepts
Performance Tuning Sequence
Configuration Files
Logging and Performance

Chapter 2   Tuning Your Application
Java Programming Guidelines
J2EE Programming Guidelines
Servlets and JSPs
EJB Pool and Cache
JDBC and Database Access

Chapter 3   Tuning the Application Server
HTTP Server Tuning
Enabling Statistics with stats-xml
Monitoring Current Activity Using the perfdump Utility
Using Statistics to Tune Your Server
Busy Functions
Using Performance Buckets
Configuring the File Cache
Tuning the ACL User Cache
Using Quality of Service
Threads, Processes, and Connections
Improving Java Performance
Miscellaneous init.conf Directives
Miscellaneous obj.conf Parameters
Scaling Your Server
Connection Pool Tuning
JDBC Connection Pool Tuning
Monitoring the JDBC Connection Pools
JSP and Servlet Tuning
Suggested Coding Practices for JSP's and Servlets
Configuration Settings that Affect JSP/Servlet Performance
Performance Tuning for EJBs
Monitoring EJBs and Containers
Tuning the EJB Container
Guide to Using Tunables
EJB Descriptor Properties
Tuning the EJB Pool
Tuning the EJB Cache
Performance Considerations for Various Types of EJBs
Related EJB Considerations
ORB Tuning
How a Client Connects to the ORB
Enabling the High performance CORBA Util Delegate
Monitoring the ORB
Tuning the ORB
Guide to using Tunables
Thread Pool Sizing
Related Considerations
Transaction Manager Tuning
Monitoring the Transaction Manager
Tuning the Transaction Manager

Chapter 4   Tuning the Java Runtime System
Using Alternate Threads
Managing Memory and Allocation
Tuning the Garbage Collector
Tracing Garbage Collection
Specifying Other Garbage Collector Settings
Tuning the Java Heap
HotSpot Virtual Machine Tuning Options

Chapter 5   Tuning the Operating System
Tuning Parameters
Solaris File Descriptor Setting
General Performance tuning for solaris on x86
Tuning for Linux platforms
Increase the number of file descriptors
Change the virtual memory settings
Ensure that the Network interface is operating in full duplex mode
Tune disk I/O performance
Tune the TCP/IP stack

Chapter 6   Tuning for High-Availability
Tuning HADB
Disk Usage
Memory Allocation
Operating System Configuration
Tuning the Application Server for High-Availability
Configuring and Tuning the Application Server

Appendix A   Common Performance Problems
check-acl Server Application Functions
Low-Memory Situations
Under-Throttled Server
Cache Not Utilized
Keep-Alive Connections Flushed
Log File Modes
Additional Resources


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