Java Desktop System Configuration Manager Release 1.1 Administration Guide

CLI Commands

This section describes the Configuration Manager CLI functionality.

Accessing CLI Help

To obtain a list of all available CLI commands, type pgtool --help.

Accessing CLI Version Information

To display version information, type pgtool --version.


Assigns a policy group from the policy group repository to an entity.


add [--username=<name>] [--scope=<user/host>] <name> <entity>

--username=<name> : the username of the administrator in the format used by the configuration repository, for example "jmonroe".

--scope=<user/host> : specifies the scope for the policy group, which can either be user or host. If not specified then defaults to the user scope.

<name> : this specifies the name of the policy group to be assigned to the entity.

<entity> : the entity name is specified in the format used by the storage back end, for example with the LDAP back end the entity is specified using a distinguished name.

Example 3–1 Adding a policy group to an entity

% pgtool add --username=jmonroe UserPolicyGroup1 cn Role1,o=staff,o=apoc

User “jmonroe” assigned the policy group “UserPolicyGroup1” to the entity “cn=Role1,o=staff,o=apoc”.


The create command creates a new, empty policy group.


create [--username=<name>] [--name=<policy group name>] [--scope=<user/host>] [--entity=<entity name>] [--priority=<priority integer>]

--username=<name> : the username of the administrator in the format used by the configuration repository, for example “jmonroe”.

--name=<policy group name> : this specifies the name for the policy group. If a policy group with this name and this scope already exists at this level then the command exits with an error. This option may not be used with the --entity option as entity policy groups have restricted default names.

--scope=<user/host> : specifies the scope for the policy group, which can either be user or host. If not specified then defaults to the user scope.

--entity=<entity name> : the entity where the policy group is created. If this option is not specified then the policy group is part of the policy group repository. This option may not be used with the --name option as entity policy groups have restricted default names.

--priority=<priority integer> : an integer (>=1) specifying the priority of the policy group. This option may not be used with the --entity option as entity policy groups have default priorities that may not be changed. If the priority specified is the same as that of an existing policy group of this scope at this layer then the command exits with an error. If the priority is not specified, then one is assigned.

Example 3–2 Creating a new policy group

% pgtool create --username=jmonroe --scope=host --name=NewHostGroup1

Creates a new policy group called “NewHostGroup1” whose scope is “host”.


Deletes a policy group.


delete [--username=<name>] [--name=<policy group name>] [--scope=<user/host>] [--entity=<entity name>]

--username=<name> : the username of the administrator in the format used by the configuration repository, for example "jmonroe".

--name=<policy group name> : this specifies the name of the policy group to be deleted. This option is not used with the --entity option as entity policy groups have restricted default names. If the policy group does not exist or if it cannot be uniquely identified then the command exits with an error.

--scope=<user/host> : specifies the scope for the policy group, which can either be user or host. If not specified then defaults to the user scope.

--entity=<entity name> : the entity where the policy group is stored. If this option is not specified then the policy group is part of the policy group repository. This option is not used with the --name option, since entity policy groups have restricted default names.

Example 3–3 Deleting a policy group

% pgtool delete --username=jmonroe --scope=host --name=renamedNewHostGroup1

Deleted the “renamedNewHostGroup1” policy group.


Exports a policy group in zip file format to the specified target. The policy group may be from the policy group repository or it may be an entity policy group.


export [--username=<name>] [--name=<policy group name>] [--scope=<user/host>] [--entity=<entity name>] <target>

--username=<name> : the username of the administrator in the format used by the configuration repository, for example “jmonroe”.

--name=<policy group name> : specifies the name for the policy group. This option is not used with the --entity option as entity policy groups have restricted default names. There may be two policy groups in the policy group repository with the same name, one with user scope, the other with host scope. If the scope is not specified then it defaults to the user scope.

--scope=<user/host> : specifies the scope for the policy group. This can be either user or host. If the scope is not specified then the default is user.

--entity=<entity name> : the entity where the policy group is stored. This option may not be used with the --name option, since entity policy groups have restricted default names. If this option is not specified then the policy group is part of the policy group repository. The entity name is specified in the format used by the storage back end, for example with the LDAP back end the entity is specified using a distinguished name.

<target> : the path and file name where the zip file is to be stored. If no filename is given then it defaults to /tmp/<policy group name>.zip. If the target is not writeable, then the command exits with an error.

Example 3–4 Exporting a policy group

% pgtool export --scope=host --name=HostPolicyGroup1 --username=jmonroe /tmp/newdir

Exported “HostPolicyGroup1” to, which was created in new directory /tmp/newdir.


Imports a policy group stored in zip file format from the specified source. The policy group may be imported to the policy group repository or to an entity.


import [--username=<name>] [--name=<policy group name>] [--scope=<user/host>] [--entity=<entity name>] [--priority=<priority integer>] <source>

--username=<name> : the username of the administrator in the format used by the configuration repository, for example “jmonroe”.

--name=<policy group name> : this specifies the name for the policy group. This option is not used with the --entity option as entity policy groups have restricted default names. Two policy groups with the same name and the same scope may not exist at the same location. If no policy group name is specified then it defaults to the name of the .zip file. If a policy group of this name and scope already exists in the policy group repository it is overwritten.

--scope=<user/host> : specifies the scope for the policy group. This can be either user or host. If the scope is not specified then the default is user.

--entity=<entity name> : the entity where the policy group is stored. If this option is not specified then the policy group is part of the policy group repository. The option may not be used with the -name option as entity policy groups have restricted default names. The entity name is specified in the format used by the storage back end, for example with the LDAP back end, the entity is specified using a distinguished name.

--priority=<priority integer> : an integer (>=1) specifying the priority of the policy group in the policy group repository. This option may not be used with the --entity option as entity policy groups have default priorities that may not be changed. If the priority specified is the same as that of an existing policy group of this scope in the repository then the command exits with an error. If the priority is not specified, then one is assigned.

<source> : the path and file name where the zip file is to be stored.

Example 3–5 Importing a policy group

% pgtool import --scope=host --name=NewHostPolicyGroup1 --username=jmonroe --priority=7 /tmp/

Policy group with name “NewHostPolicyGroup1”, scope “host”, and priority “7” imported from


If no options are specified, then all the policy groups in the policy group repository are listed. If two storage back ends have been specified, then all the policy groups in the policy group repository of the user back end storage are listed. Depending on the options specified, list can also list all policy groups assigned to an entity, or the entities that use a particular policy group. When a policy group is listed, details such as name, scope, priority, and entity, if appropriate, are also listed. Entities are listed by their distinguished names.


list [--username=<name>] [--scope=<user/host>] [--entity=<entity name>][--name =<policy group name>]

--username=<name> : the username of the administrator in the format used by the configuration repository, for example “jmonroe”.

--scope=<user/host> : if this option alone is specified then all the policy groups of the specified scope from the policy group repository is listed. If not specified then defaults to the user scope. If used with the -entity option, then all the policy groups of this scope assigned to the entity are listed. If used with the -name option, then all the entities that use the specified policy group of the specified scope are listed.

--entity=<entity name> : lists the policy groups that are assigned to an entity.

--name=<policy group name> : lists the entities that use the specified policy group.

Example 3–6 Listing policy groups in the repository

% pgtool list --username=jmonroe

Lists global policy groups for administrator “jmonroe”.

% pgtool list --username=jmonroe --name=UserPolicyGroup1

Lists entities using policy group “UserPolicyGroup1”.


Stores the username and password for the datastore back end in a file in the administrator's home directory. This username and password can then be used in future invocations of pgtool.

The credentials are stored in a file named .apocpass in the administrator's home directory. If this file already exists and it does not have the correct permissions, then the command exits with an error. If a username is entered, the administrator is prompted for a password, otherwise the administrator is prompted for a username and a password. The username and password is authenticated using anonymous access to the datastore. If anonymous access is not supported, then the administrator is prompted to enter an authorized username and a password. If authentication by the authorized username fails, then the command exits with an error. Once authenticated, the user/password pairs are stored in the administrator's .apocpass file. The password is stored using a key made up of a combination of host/port/base bootstrapping information and the username. The bootstrapping file may be specified as an option argument, otherwise the bootstrapping information may be specified using the other options above. If neither methods are used, then the bootstrapping information is obtained from the default bootstrapping file installed with the pgtool. If bootstrapping information is not available or the credentials file cannot be created then the command exits with an error. If the credentials file is successfully created, then it is not necessary to specify username and password for subsequent pgtool commands using this storage back end: the username and password details stored in the credentials file are used.


login [--username=<name>] [--file=<bootsrap file>] [--hostname=<hostname>] [--port=<portnumber>] [--base=<base name>] [--type=<type of back end>]

--username=<name> : the username of the administrator in the format used by the configuration repository, for example "jmonroe".

--file=<bootstrap file> : fully qualified path to a bootstrapping file.

--hostname=<hostname> : name of the host for the required storage back end. This is used instead of corresponding information supplied by the bootstrapping file.

--port=<port number> : port number used by this storage back end.

--base=<base name> : base for this storage back end, e.g. baseDN for an LDAP back end.

--type=<type of back end> : defaults to LDAP.

Example 3–7 Login

% pgtool login --username=jmonroe [Enter the correct password when prompted]

A file called ~/.apocpass created with entry for “jmonroe” and “password”, file has permissions 600


Changes the priority of a policy group in the policy group repository.


modify [--username=<name>] [--scope=<user/host>] <name> <priority>

--username=<name> : the username of the administrator in the format used by the configuration repository, for example "jmonroe".

--scope=<user/host> : specifies the scope for the policy group, which can either be user or host. If not specified then defaults to the user scope.

<name> : specifies the name for the policy group.

<priority> : an integer (>=1) specifying the priority of the policy group. If the priority specified is the same as that of an existing policy group of this scope in the policy group repository, then the command fails.

Example 3–8 Changing the priority of a policy group

% pgtool modify --username=jmonroe UserPolicyGroup1 15

Changed the priority of “UserPolicyGroup1” to 15.


Removes a policy group from an entity.


remove [--username=<name>] [--scope=<user/host>] <name> <entity>

--username=<name> : the username of the administrator in the format used by the configuration repository, for example "jmonroe".

--scope=<user/host> : specifies the scope for the policy group, which can either be user or host. If not specified then defaults to user.

<name> : this specifies the name of the policy group in the policy group repository that is assigned to the entity.

<entity>: the name for this entity.

Example 3–9 Removing a policy group from an entity

% pgtool remove --username=jmonroe UserPolicyGroup1 cn=Role1,o=staff,o=apoc

User “jmonroe” removed the policy group “UserPolicyGroup1” from the entity “cn=Role1,o=staff,o=apoc”.


Renames a policy group in the policy group repository.


rename [--username=<name>] [--scope=<user/host>] <name> <newname>

--username=<name> : the username of the administrator in the format used by the configuration repository, for example "jmonroe".

--scope=<user/host> : specifies the scope for the existing policy group, which can either be user or host. If not specified then defaults to the user scope.

<name> : this specifies the current name of the policy group in the policy group repository.

<newname> : new name for the policy group. If a policy group of this name and scope already exists in the policy group repository than the command exits with an error.

Example 3–10 Renaming a policy group

% pgtool rename --username=jmonroe NewUserGroup2 renamedNewUserGroup2

Renames “NewUserGroup2” to “renamedNewUserGroup2”.