Oracle Fusion Middleware Release Notes for Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition

Known Problems and Limitations in Directory Server

This section lists known problems and limitations at the time of release.

Directory Server Limitations

Number of servers that can be managed using DSCC

The Directory Service Control Center (DSCC) enables centralized administration of Directory Server and Directory Proxy Server instances. The current version of DSCC has been tested successfully in an environment of 42 server instances, supporting most common configurations.

Do not change file permissions by hand.

Changes to file permissions for installed Directory Server Enterprise Edition product files can in some cases prevent the software from operating properly. Only change file permissions when following instructions in the product documentation, or following instructions from Oracle support.

To workaround this limitation, install products and create server instances as a user having appropriate user and group permissions.

Do not replicate the cn=changelog suffix.

Although nothing prevents you from setting up replication for the cn=changelog suffix, doing so can interfere with replication. Do not replicate the cn=changelog suffix. The cn=changelog suffix is created by the retro changelog plug-in.

The wrong SASL library is loaded when LD_LIBRARY_PATH contains /usr/lib.

When LD_LIBRARY_PATH contains /usr/lib, the wrong SASL library is used, causing the dsadm command to fail after installation.

Use the LDAP replace operation to change cn=config attributes.

An LDAP modify operation on cn=config can only use the replace sub-operation. Any attempt to add or delete an attribute will be rejected with DSA is unwilling to perform, error 53. While Directory Server 5 accepted adding or deleting an attribute or attribute value, the update was applied to the dse.ldif file without any value validation, and the DSA internal state was not updated until the DSA was stopped and started.

Note –

The cn=config configuration interface is deprecated. Where possible use the dsconf command instead.

To work around this limitation, the LDAP modify replace sub-operation can be substituted for the add or delete sub-operation. No loss in functionality occurs. Furthermore, the state of the DSA configuration is more predictable following the change.

On Windows systems, Directory Server does not allow Start TLS by default.

This issue affects server instances on Windows systems only. This issue is due to performance on Windows systems when Start TLS is used.

To work around this issue, consider using the -P option with the dsconf command to connect using the SSL port directly. Alternatively, if your network connection is already secured, consider using the -e option with the dsconf command. The option lets you connect to the standard port without requesting a secure connection.

Replication update vectors may reference retired servers.

After you remove a replicated Directory Server instance from a replication topology, replication update vectors can continue to maintain references to the instance. As a result, you might encounter referrals to instances that no longer exist.

The Common Agent Container is not started at boot time.

To work around this issue when installing from native packages, use the cacaoadm enable command as root.

To work around this issue on Windows, choose Log On from the properties of Common Agent Container service, enter the password of the user running the service, and press Apply. If you have not already done this setting, you will receive a message stating that the account user name has been granted the Log On As A Service right.

max-thread-per-connection-count is not useful on Windows systems.

The Directory Server configuration properties max-thread-per-connection-count and ds-polling-thread-count do not apply for Windows systems.

Console does not allow administrator login on Windows XP

The console does not allow administrators to log in to a server running Windows XP.

As a workaround to this problem, the guest account must be disabled and the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\ForceGuest must be set to 0.

Changing Index Configurations on the Fly

If you change an index configuration for an attribute, all searches that include that attribute as a filter are treated as not indexed. To ensure that searches including that attribute are properly processed, use the dsadm reindex or dsconf reindex commands to regenerate existing indexes every time you change an index configuration for an attribute. See Chapter 12, Directory Server Indexing, in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administration Guide for Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition for details.

Number of connections and operations are not enforced on PTA servers

The maximum number of connections (maxconns) and the maximum number of operations (maxops) are not enforced on PTA servers.

When installed with the ZIP distribution, Directory Server uses port 21162 as the default of the Common Agent Framework (CACAO).

The default port of the Common Agent Framework (CACAO) is 11162. When installed with the native distribution, Directory Server uses this default port. However, when installed with the ZIP distribution, Directory Server uses port 21162 by default. Be sure to specify the right port number when creating or registering a server instance with DSCC.

The console does not allow you to create a Directory Server or Directory Proxy Server instance if the Directory Manager's password contains a space character. (6830908)

If the Directory Manager's password contains a space character, the Directory Manager account cannot create a directory server or directory proxy server instance by using the console.

Due to the same issue, the command dsccsetup ads-create —w password-file fails if the password file contains a space character.

Known Directory Server Issues in 11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

This section lists the issues that are known at the time of the Directory Server 11g Release 1 (11.1.1).


Directory Server has been seen to crash when the server is stopped while performing online export, backup, restore, or index creation.


Some Directory Server error messages refer to the Database Errors Guide, which does not exist. If you cannot understand the meaning of a critical error message that is not documented, contact Oracle support.


When entries are imported from LDIF, Directory Server does not generate createTimeStamp and modifyTimeStamp attributes.

LDIF import is optimized for speed. The import process does not generate these attributes. To work around this limitation, add rather than import the entries. Alternatively, preprocess the LDIF to add the attributes before import.


The Directory Server hangs when running the stop-slapd command.


After changing the schema definition of an attribute from multi-valued to single-valued, modify replace operations on that attribute are refused.

To avoid potential problems after making such a change, do the following:

  1. Export the additional data, without replication (dsadm export -Q ...).

  2. Reimport the data from the resulting LDIF file.

    Be aware that their might be skipped entries if the resulting entry is no longer compatible with the schema.

  3. Reinitialize the other replicas in the topology.


The dsconf accord-repl-agmt command cannot align authentication properties of the replication agreement when SSL client authentication is used on the destination suffix.

    To work around this issue, store the supplier certificate in the configuration on the consumer, following these steps. The examples command shown are based on two instances on the same host.

  1. Export the certificate to a file.

    The following example shows how to perform the export for servers in /local/supplier and /local/consumer.

    $ dsadm show-cert -F der -o /tmp/supplier-cert.txt \
      /local/supplier defaultCert
    $ dsadm show-cert -F der -o /tmp/consumer-cert.txt \
      /local/consumer defaultCert
  2. Exchange the client and supplier certificates.

    The following example shows how to perform the exchange for servers in /local/supplier and /local/consumer.

    $ dsadm add-cert --ca /local/consumer supplierCert \
    $ dsadm add-cert --ca /local/supplier consumerCert \
  3. Add the SSL client entry on the consumer, including the supplierCert certificate on a usercertificate;binary attribute, with the proper subjectDN.

  4. Add the replication manager DN on the consumer.

    $ dsconf set-suffix-prop suffix-dn repl-manager-bind-dn:entryDN
  5. Update the rules in /local/consumer/alias/certmap.conf.

  6. Restart both servers with the dsadm start command.


Directory Service Control Center sorts values as strings. As a result, when you sort numbers in Directory Service Control Center, the numbers are sorted as if they were strings.

An ascending sort of 0, 20, and 100 results in the list 0, 100, 20. A descending sort of 0, 20, and 100 results in the list 20, 100, 0.


The certificate names containing multi-byte characters are shown as dots in the output of the dsadm show-cert instance-path valid-multibyte-cert-name command.


Directory Server does not correctly parse ACI target DNs containing escaped quotes or a single escaped comma. The following example modifications cause syntax errors.

 (targetattr="*")(version 3.0; acl "testQuotes";
 allow (all) userdn ="ldap:///self";)
dn:o=Example Company\, Inc.,dc=example,dc=com
aci:(target="ldap:///o=Example Company\, Inc.,dc=example,dc=com")
 (targetattr="*")(version 3.0; acl "testComma";
 allow (all) userdn ="ldap:///self";)

Examples with more than one comma that has been escaped have been observed to parse correctly, however.


On Windows, SASL authentication fails due to the following two reasons:

  • SASL encryption is used.

    To workaround the issue caused by the SASL encryption, stop the server, edit dse.ldif, and reset SASL to the following.

    dn: cn=SASL, cn=security, cn=config
      dssaslminssf: 0
      dssaslmaxssf: 0
  • The installation is done using native packages.

    To workaround the issue caused by the native packages installation , set SASL_PATH to install-dir\share\lib.


Directory Service Control Center does not properly display userCertificate binary values.


It is not clear from the name of the passwordRootdnMayBypassModsCheck configuration attribute that the server now allows any administrator to bypass password syntax checking when modifying another user's password, when the attribute is set.


On Windows, the output of dsadm and dpadm commands, and help messages are not localized in Simplified and Traditional Chinese languages.


Although the Directory Service Control Center allows you to copy the configuration of an existing server, it does not allow you to copy the plug-in configuration.


On Windows systems, the dsconf command has been seen to fail to import LDIF with double-byte characters in the LDIF file name.

To work around this issue, change the LDIF file name so that it does not contain double-byte characters.


Neither Directory Service Control Center nor the dsconf command allows you to configure how Directory Server handles invalid plug-in signatures. Default behavior is to verify the plug-in signatures, but not to require that they are valid. Directory Server logs a warning for invalid signatures.

To change the server behavior, adjust the ds-require-valid-plugin-signature and ds-verify-valid-plugin-signature attributes on cn=config. Both attributes take either on or off.


Directory Service Control Center does not allow you to browse a suffix that is configured to return a referral to another suffix.


After installation and after server instance creation on Windows systems, the file permissions to the installation and server instance folder allow access to all users.

To work around this issue, change the permissions on the installations and server instance folders.


For the HP-UX platform, Directory Server Enterprise Edition man pages for the following sections cannot be accessed from the command line:

  • man5dpconf.

  • man5dsat.

  • man5dsconf.

  • man5dsoc.

  • man5dssd.

To workaround this issue, access the man pages at Oracle Fusion Middleware Man Page Reference for Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition. From that location, you can download a PDF of all Directory Server Enterprise Edition man pages.


An attempt to enter an invalid CoS Template results in a crash in versions of Directory Server 6.


When enabling referral mode for Directory Server by using Directory Service Control Center through Internet Explorer 6, the text in the confirm referral mode window is truncated.

To work around this issue, use a different browser such as Mozilla web browser.


After upgrading replica, and moving servers to new systems, you must recreate replication agreements to use new host names. Directory Service Control Center lets you delete the existing replication agreements, but does not allow you to create new agreements.


On Red Hat systems, the dsadm autostart command does not always ensure that the server instances start at boot time.


The dsconf command does not prompt for the appropriate dsSearchBaseDN setting when configuring DSML.


On Windows systems, Directory Server has been seen to fail to start when the base name of the instance is ds.


The dsconf help-properties command is set to work properly only after instance creation. In addition, the correct list of values for the dsml-client-auth-mode command should be client-cert-first | http-basic-only | client-cert-only.


In the Native patch delivery, the miniature calendar that is used to pick dates for filtering access logs is not properly localized in Traditional Chinese.


When creating an index on custom schema, a suffix level change of the all-ids-threshold is not permeated completely by the DSCC.


Some output displayed by the dsccmon, dsccreg, dsccsetup, and dsccrepair commands is not localized.


Changing the locale of the system and starting DSCC, does not display the pop-up window message in the locale that you selected.


On Solaris 10, the password verification fails for instances with multi-byte characters in their DN on English and Japanese locales.


The discovery of an instance of the Directory Server by the Java Enterprise System Monitoring Framework is not successful if the ns-slapd process was started remotely using rsh.


On HP-UX systems, applications using NSPR libraries crash and dump core after investigation with gdb. The problem occurs when you attach gdb to a running Directory Server instance, then use the gdb quit command.


Clicking Browse DSCC online help does not display the online help when you are using Internet Explorer.


The Directory Server plug-in API includes slapi_value_init()(), slapi_value_init_string()(), and slapi_value_init_berval()() functions.

These functions all require a “done” function to release internal elements. However, the public API is missing a slapi_value_done()() function.


When modifying the password policy using the Directory Service Control Center, attributes that have not changed may be unknowingly reset.

Using the Directory Service Control Center to manage the default password policy does not causes any error. However, using the Directory Service Control Center to manage specialized password policies can cause unchanged attributes to be reset.


When you use the Service Management Facility (SMF) on Solaris 10 to enable a server instance, the instance might not start when you reboot the system and return the following error:

svcadm: Instance "svc:/instance_path" is in maintenance state.

To work around this problem, use a local user to create Directory Server and Directory Proxy Server servers (that is, a user that is defined locally on the machine rather than an NIS user.)


On HP-UX, the dsadm and dpadm commands might not find shared library.

As a workaround to this problem, set the SHLIB_PATH variable.

env SHLIB_PATH=${INSTALL_DIR}/dsee6/private/lib dsadm

The dsadm autostart can make native LDAP authentication to fail when you reboot the system.

As a workaround, reverse the order of reboot scripts. The default order is /etc/rc2.d/S71ldap.client and /etc/rc2.d/S72dsee_directory.


On Solaris 9 and Windows, when you access the online help from the console configured using Web archive file (WAR), it displays an error.


If you modify the port number using DSCC on a server that has replicated suffixes, problems arise when setting replication agreement between servers.


For servers registered in DSCC as listening on all interfaces (, attempting to use dsconf to modify the listen-address of the servers results in DSCC errors.

To have an SSL port only and secure-listen-address setup with Directory Server Enterprise Edition, use this workaround:

  1. Unregister the server from DSCC:

    dsccreg remove-server /local/myserver
  2. Disable the LDAP port:

    dsconf set-server-prop ldap-port:disabled
  3. Set up a secure-listen-address:

    $ dsconf set-server-prop secure-listen-address:IPaddress

    $ dsadm restart /local/myserver
  4. Register the server using DSCC. In the Register Server wizard, specify the server's IP address. This operation cannot be undone.


Directory Service Control Center and the dsadm command from versions 6.1 or later do not display built-in CA certificates of Directory Server instances that were created with the dsadm command from version 6.0.

To workaround this issue:

Add the 64-bit module with 64-bit version of modutil:

$ /usr/sfw/bin/64/modutil -add "Root Certs 64bit" \
-libfile  /usr/lib/mps/64/ -nocertdb \
-dbdir /instance-path/alias -dbprefix slapd- -secmod secmod.db

The output of the dsadm show-*-log l command does not include the correct lines. It can include the last lines of a previously rotated log.


The output of the dsadm show-*-log command is not correct if some lines in the log contain more than 1024 characters.


After deploying the WAR file, the View Topology button does not always work. A Java exception sometimes occurs, which is based on org.apache.jsp.jsp.ReplicationTopology_jsp._jspService


In Windows, in the Korean locale, the dsadm start command does not display the nsslapd error log when ns-slapd fails to start.


Changing or deleting an attribute in the Additional Indexes table of the Indexes tab in the Directory Service Control Center can lead to stale information being displayed until the browser is refreshed.


On UNIX systems, an attempt to change the path of any log file with dsconf set-log-prop or DSCC fails if the new path of the log file does not already exist.


Specification of network drives on Microsoft Windows is case-sensitive. Because of this, using both C:/ and c:/, for example, in DSEE administrative commands can cause replication to fail after the masters are restarted. As a workaround, use the dsconf accord-repl-agmt command to correct the replication agreement.


Specification of network drives on Microsoft Windows is case-sensitive. Because of this, using both C:/ and c:/, for example, in DSEE administrative commands can produce various error messages, such as the following:

WARNING<4227> - Plugins - conn=-1 op=-1 msgId=-1 -
Detected plugin paths from another install, using current install

To avoid these warnings, be sure to use C:/ consistently.


Online help in DSCC might link to unknown web pages. In particular, some wizard menus might suggest the following:

For more information about data source configuration, 
see the "Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition Reference."

Selecting the link to the Directory Server Enterprise Edition Reference document produces an error message.

To work around this problem, select the link with the third mouse-button and choose the Open Link in New Window command from the pop-up menu. The selected document appears in the new browser window.


The DSCC Agent cannot be registered in CACAO on Solaris 9. If the SUNWxcu4 package is missing from the system, then the command DSEE_HOME/dscc6/bin/dsccsetup cacao-reg fails with the error, Failed to configure Cacao.

To fix this issue, install the missing SUNWxcu4 package on your system.


The -f option does not work with the ldapcompare command.


On Windows, CLI displays garbage characters.


DSCC does not support host synonyms. When replicating the DSCC suffix, the host name in the replication agreement must match the host name in the DSCC registry.


When logs are rotated according to rotation-time or rotation-interval, the exact time at which the rotation occurs depends on several variables, including the following:

  • the values of the rotation-time, rotation-interval, rotation-now, and rotation-size properties

  • scheduling of the housekeeping thread

  • the effective size of the log file when the rotation condition is satisfied

The timestamp in the rotated log file (for example, access.timestamp) can therefore not be guaranteed.


If the user running the dsmig command does not own the target directory server instance, the command fails because it does not have adequate permission to generate and access migrated files.

The dsmig command can run successfully if it is run by the user who owns the target directory server and has at least read access to the source directory server. If these conditions cannot be met, perform the migration by exporting the database and importing it to the new directory server.


The man page for hosts_access incorrectly states that IPv6 is not supported on Windows systems.


Some debug messages and Error #20502, Serious failure during database checkpointing, err=2 (No such file or directory), can sometimes be logged right before the import processing starts. Such messages can be ignored, as they refer to the old suffix data being deleted.


If you set the idle timeout to a very small value, for example, 2s on a server instance, DSCC might display connection errors and prevent some operations that take long time to complete (like rotating logs). Make sure you set the idle timeout to at least 10s or 20s, and adjust the idle timeout according to your network latency.


The server occasionally crashes when running the dsadm show-access-log or dsadm show-error-log commands, if the command is launched while a log rotation is in progress.


On Windows systems, running the dsccsetup dismantle command does not completely remove the CACAO Windows service.

Workaround. After you have run the dsccsetup dismantle command, run cacaoadm prepare-uninstall before you uninstall Directory Server Enterprise Edition. This removes the CACAO Windows service.


A side effect of the new Compliance with RFC 4511 is that some searches might be slower than with previous versions of Directory Server, when using multi-valued attributes. To alleviate this, either set compat-flag to no-rfc4511 or declare the user attribute as SINGLE-VALUE in the schema.


The command dsconf help-properties inverts the description for the fractional replication properties. The following output:

repl-fractional-exclude-attr ... Replicate only the specified set of attributes
repl-fractional-include-attr ... Do not replicate the specified set of attributes

should be as follows:

repl-fractional-exclude-attr ... Do not replicate the specified set of attributes
repl-fractional-include-attr ... Replicate only the specified set of attributes