Oracle Fusion Middleware Deployment Planning Guide for Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition

Chapter 1 Introduction to Deployment Planning for Directory Server Enterprise Edition

This chapter provides an overview of Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition, and describes at a high level the deployment planning process.

This chapter covers the following topics:

About Deployment Planning

Deployment planning is a critical step in the successful implementation of a Directory Server Enterprise Edition solution. Each enterprise has its own set of goals, requirements, and priorities to consider. Successful planning starts with analyzing the goals of an enterprise and determining the business requirements to meet those goals. The business requirements must then be converted into technical requirements. The technical requirements can be used as a basis for designing and implementing a system that meets the goals of the enterprise.

Successful deployment planning is the result of careful preparation, analysis, and design. Errors and missteps that occur anywhere during the planning process can result in a system that can be problematic in many ways. Significant problems can arise from a poorly planned system. For example, the system could under perform or be difficult to maintain, expensive to operate, or unable to scale.

The principles of deployment planning are discussed in depth in Chapter 1, Introduction to Deployment Planning for Directory Server Enterprise Edition. This guide refers to the solution life cycle, which addresses deployment planning in clearly defined steps.

Directory Server Enterprise Edition Components in a Deployment

The combination of Directory Server Enterprise Edition components that you deploy depends on the requirements of your organization. The following figure shows a typical deployment scenario using the components described previously.

Figure 1–1 Directory Server Enterprise Edition Components

Figure shows a typical Directory Server Enterprise Edition
deployment scenario, using all the components.

Solution Life Cycle

The solution life cycle shown in the following figure depicts the steps in the planning, design, and implementation of an enterprise software solution based on Java Enterprise System. The life cycle is a useful tool for keeping a deployment project on track. The solution life cycle is described in detail in Chapter 1, Introduction to Deployment Planning for Directory Server Enterprise Edition.

Figure 1–2 Solution Life Cycle

Figure shows the solution life cycle with the six steps
involved in an enterprise software deployment.