Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition

Installation in Solaris Zones

This section addresses the key points to consider when installing Directory Server Enterprise Edition in a Solaris zone.

Global and full local Solaris zones present Directory Server Enterprise Edition software with complete systems. Directory Server Enterprise Edition software treats both the zones as an independent physical system. The Directory Server Enterprise Edition installation is like installing on an independent system. The software does not share services or file locations with other zones.

In sparse zones, you can install some services to be used in system-wide fashion. Single instances of common component services can therefore be used by multiple server instances. For example, Directory Server Enterprise Edition software in sparse zones can use the same Common Agent Container and Monitoring Framework installed in the global zone. You must, however, install the system-wide services before you can complete installation of sparse zone software that depends on the system-wide services.

Directory Server Enterprise Edition does not require you to use system-wide services when you install in a sparse zone. When you install self-contained software from the zip distribution, you also install the common component services in the sparse zone. Therefore, zip distribution installations in sparse zones resemble installations on independent systems.

The following table outlines constraints for Directory Server Enterprise Edition installations, which pertain essentially to installations in sparse zones.

Directory Server Enterprise Edition Software Component 

Software Distribution 

Constraints Installing in Global or Full Local Zone 

Constraints For Sparse Zone Installations 

Directory Server, Directory Proxy Server, and Directory Service Control Center 

Native Packages 

No constraints 

First install shared components in the global zone, then install SUNWdsee7* packages in the sparse zone.

Zip distribution 

No constraints 

No constraints 

Identity Synchronization for Windows 

Zip distribution 

Not supported 

Not supported 

Directory Server Resource Kit 

Zip distribution 

No constraints 

No constraints