Oracle Fusion Middleware Administration Guide for Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition

ProcedureTo Create a Directory Proxy Server Instance

You can use DSCC to perform this task. For information, see Directory Service Control Center Interface and the DSCC online help.

If you use DSCC to create a new server instance, you can choose to copy some or all of the server configuration settings from an existing server.

  1. Create the instance of Directory Proxy Server.

    $ dpadm create -p port instance-path

    For example, to create a new instance in the directory /local/dps, use this command:

    $ dpadm create -p 2389 /local/dps

    To specify any other parameter of the instance, see the dpadm(1M) man page.

  2. Type a password if required.

  3. Confirm that the instance has been created by verifying the status of the instance.

    $ dpadm info instance-path
  4. (Optional) If you installed Directory Proxy Server using the native packages, and your operating provides a service management solution, you can enable the server to be managed as a service, as shown in this table.

    Operating System 


    Solaris 10 

    dpadm enable-service --type SMF instance-path

    Solaris 9 

    dpadm autostart instance-path


    dpadm enable-service --type WIN_SERVICE instance-path

  5. (Optional) Register the server instance with Directory Service Control Center by using either of the following methods.

    • Login to DSCC, and then use the Register Existing Server action on the Proxy Servers tab.

      Access DSCC using http://hostname:8080/dscc7 or https://hostname:8181/dscc7 as per your application server configuration.

    • Use the command dsccreg add-server.

      $ dsccreg add-server -h hostname --description "My Proxy" /local/dps
      Enter DSCC administrator's password:
      /local/dps is an instance of DPS
      Enter password of "cn=Proxy Manager" for /local/dps:
      Connecting to /local/dps
      Enabling DSCC access to /local/dps
      Registering /local/dps in DSCC on hostname.

      See dsccreg(1M) for more information about the command.