Oracle Fusion Middleware Administration Guide for Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition

Configuring Pattern Matching Distribution Algorithm

Directory Proxy Server distributes the requests to data views based on the match between the parameters of the requests and one or more patterns. Set the following parameters to configure the Pattern matching distribution algorithm:

All the pattern matching distribution algorithm properties are multivalued. Use PROP+:VAL to add a value, and PROP-:VAL to remove a value. For example:

$ dpconf set-ldap-data-view-prop -p port-number ldap-data-view \
$ dpconf set-ldap-data-view-prop -p port-number ldap-data-view \

The order in which values are set, the priority is decided.

$ ldapsearch -D "cn=proxy manager" -w - -p port-number -b "cn=ldap-data-view,cn=data views,cn=config" \
"objectclass=*" dnMatchingRegex

version: 1
dn: cn=ldap-data-view,cn=data views,cn=config
dnMatchingRegex: 1:value
dnMatchingRegex: 2:value2

In the above example, the value prefixed by 1 is of highest priority.

To switch back to version 6 behavior for pattern matching distribution algorithm, set the compat-flag Directory Proxy Server configuration property to pattern-matching-algo-6.

The configuration attributes that end with filter are LDAP filters, not regular expressions. These LDAP filters are evaluated against LDAP filters contained in the incoming search requests.

For example, use the following settings to configure the Pattern Matching distribution algorithm to send the requests for the users with even uid to even data view and the users with odd uid to odd data view.

$ dpconf set-ldap-data-view-prop even
distribution-algorithm: pattern-matching 

$ dpconf set-ldap-data-view-prop odd
distribution-algorithm: pattern-matching 

In the (uid=\2a) expression, the \2a is an ASCII representation of * where 2 and a are two hexadecimal digits. The (uid=\2a) expression makes sure that the data view accepts the requests for all uids.

The syntax supported by the pattern matching algorithm is specified by the Java Pattern class (documented at ). This syntax is not the same as the usual regex syntax.