Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade and Migration Guide for Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition

ProcedureTo Patch a ZIP Installation of Directory Server Enterprise Edition 7

Perform this migration procedure on each Directory Server Enterprise Edition installation. However, identify the server that hosts Directory Service Control Center, and upgrade it first, before upgrading any other servers.

Note –

This procedure must be performed by the user account that owns the Directory Server Enterprise Edition installation.

  1. Run the following command.

    # INSTALL_PATH/bin/dsccsetup prepare-patch

    The dsccsetup prepare-patch command attempts to stop all running instances of Directory Server and Directory Proxy Server. If the dsccsetup prepare-patch command does not have permission to stop a server instance, it displays a message that describes its failure, and you must stop the server before continuing.

  2. Run one of the following commands to make sure that the server is stopped.

    To stop a directory server, run this command:

    # dsadm stop INSTANCE_DIRECTORY

    To stop a proxy server, run this command:

    # dpadm stop INSTANCE_DIRECTORY
  3. Create a temporary directory TEMP_DIRECTORY, and store a copy of the installation file in it.

    The installation file is one of the following, depending on the platform on which the server is installed:








  4. Type the following commands to install the Directory Server Enterprise Edition software.

    # unzip -qq
    # cd ODSEE_ZIP_Distribution
    # unzip -qq -d INSTALL_PATH
    # cd INSTALL_PATH/dsee7

    This step effectively overwrites the existing installation, so the INSTALL_PATH refers to the installation path used in Step 1. All existing files should be overwritten.

  5. Run the following command.

    # bin/dsccsetup complete-patch
  6. Restart all server instances that were stopped in Step 1 .

  7. If you are patching the server that hosts Directory Service Control Center only, redeploy the Directory Service Control Center (DSCC) WAR file, INSTALL_PATH/dsee7/var/dscc7.war, as described in Pre-Configuring the Directory Server Enterprise Edition Installation in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition and Appendix A, Deploying the DSCC WAR File, in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition.

    Note –

    You must patch the Directory Service Control Center before patching any Directory Server or Directory Proxy Server server instances.