Oracle Fusion Middleware Reference for Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition

Replica Update Vector

The replica update vector, RUV, identifies the state of each replica in a topology. Stored on the supplier and on the consumer, the RUV is used to establish which changes need to be replicated. The RUV stores the URL of the supplier, the ID of the supplier, the minimum CSN, and the maximum CSN.

Any replica in a replication topology stores its current replication state in a replica update vector (RUV). The RUV is stored in memory by a process that is running and provides the exact knowledge this replica has of itself and every other participant in the replication topology. The RUV entry on a given server contains a line for each master participating in a replication topology. Each line contains an identifier of one of the masters, the URL of the replica, and the CSN of the first and last changes made on the server. The CSN records only the first and last changes known by the server, not necessarily the most recent changes made by the master.

The RUV is mainly in memory and can be accessed using ldapsearch on the cn=replica,cn=suffix,cn=mapping tree,cn=config entry. For example, an ldapsearch for the ou=people suffix might yield the following results:

# ldapsearch -h host1 -p 1389 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w secret \
-b "cn=replica,cn=ou=people,cn=mapping tree,cn=config" \
-s base objectclass=* nsds50ruv

nsds50ruv: {replicageneration} 45e8296c000000010000
nsds50ruv: {replica 1 ldap://server1:1389} 45ed8751000000010000 4600f252000000010000
nsds50ruv: {replica 2 ldap://server1:2389} 45eec0e1000000020000 45f03214000000020000

For clarity, we will simplify the RUV syntax to CSNchangenumber-replicaid. The change-number shows which change the RUV corresponds to in the successive changes that occurred on the master. For example, 45ed8751000000010000 can be written as CSN05-1. In the previous illustration, master 1 contains the following RUVs:

replica 1: CSN05-1 CSN43-1
replica 2: CSN05-2 CSN40-2

The first line provides information about the first change and the last change that this replica knows about from itself, master 1, as indicated by the replica ID 1. The second line provides information about the first change and the last change that it knows about from master 2. The information that is most interesting to us is the last change. In normal operations, master 1 should know more about the updates it received than master 2. We confirm this by looking at the RUV for master 2:

replica 2: CSN05-2 CSN50-2
replica 1: CSN01-1 CSN35-1

Looking at the last change, we see that master 2 knows more about the last change it received (CSN50-2) than master 1 (which shows the last change as having occurred at CSN40-2). By contrast, master 1 knows more about its last change (CSN43-1) than master 2 (CSN35-1).

When troubleshooting problems with replication, the CSNs can be useful in identifying the problem. Master 1 should always know at least as much about its own replica ID as any other participant in the replication topology because the change was first applied on master 1 and then replicated. So, CSN43-1 should be the highest value attributed to replica ID 1 in the topology.

A problem is identified if, for example, after 30 minutes the RUV on master 1 is still CSN40-2 but on master 2 the RUV has increased significantly to CSN67-2. This indicates that replication is not happening from master 2 to master 1.

If a failure occurs and you need to reinitialize the topology while saving as much data as possible, you can use the RUV picture to determine which machine contains the most recent changes. For example, in the replication topology described previously you have a hub that contains the following RUV:

2: CSN05-2 CSN50-2
1: CSN05-1 CSN43-1

In this case, server 1 seems like a good candidate for providing the most recent changes.

RUVs can be read through nsds50ruv(5dsconf) and ds6ruv(5dsconf) attributes.