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Oracle Solaris Cluster Overview
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Document Information


1.  Introduction to Oracle Solaris Cluster

2.  Key Concepts for Oracle Solaris Cluster

3.  Oracle Solaris Cluster Architecture

Oracle Solaris Cluster Hardware Environment

Oracle Solaris Cluster Software Environment

Cluster Membership Monitor

Cluster Configuration Repository (CCR)

Cluster File Systems

Scalable Data Services

Load-Balancing Policies

Multihost Disk Storage

Cluster-Interconnect Components

IP Network Multipathing Groups

Public Network Interfaces


IP Network Multipathing Groups

Public network adapters are organized into IP multipathing groups (multipathing groups). Each multipathing group has one or more public network adapters. Each adapter in a multipathing group can be active, or you can configure standby interfaces that are inactive unless a failover occurs.

Multipathing groups provide the foundation for logical hostname and shared address resources. The same multipathing group on a node can host any number of logical hostname or shared address resources. To monitor public network connectivity of cluster nodes, you can create multipathing.

For more information about logical hostname and shared address resources, see the Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Services Planning and Administration Guide.

Public Network Interfaces

Clients connect to the cluster through the public network interfaces. Each network adapter card can connect to one or more public networks, depending on whether the card has multiple hardware interfaces. You can set up hosts to include multiple public network interface cards that are configured so that multiple cards are active, and serve as failover backups for one another. If one of the adapters fails, the Oracle Solaris Internet Protocol (IP) network multipathing software on Oracle Solaris Cluster is called to fail over the defective interface to another adapter in the group.