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Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Services Developer's Guide
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Document Information


1.  Overview of Resource Management

2.  Developing a Data Service

3.  Resource Management API Reference

4.  Modifying a Resource Type

5.  Sample Data Service

6.  Data Service Development Library

7.  Designing Resource Types

8.  Sample DSDL Resource Type Implementation

9.  Solaris Cluster Agent Builder

10.  Generic Data Service

11.  DSDL API Functions

12.  Cluster Reconfiguration Notification Protocol

A.  Standard Properties

B.  Sample Data Service Code Listings

Resource Type Registration File Listing

Start Method Code Listing

Stop Method Code Listing

gettime Utility Code Listing

PROBE Program Code Listing

Monitor_start Method Code Listing

Monitor_stop Method Code Listing

Monitor_check Method Code Listing

Validate Method Code Listing

Update Method Code Listing

C.  DSDL Sample Resource Type Code Listings

D.  Legal RGM Names and Values

E.  Requirements for Non-Cluster Aware Applications

F.  Document Type Definitions for the CRNP

G. Application


Validate Method Code Listing

This method verifies the existence of the directory that is pointed to by the Confdir property. The RGM calls this method when the data service is created. The RGM also calls this method when the cluster administrator updates the data service properties. The Monitor_check method calls this method whenever the fault monitor fails over the data service to a new node.

Example B-9 dns_validate Method

# Validate method for HA-DNS.
# This method validates the Confdir property of the resource. The Validate
# method gets called in two scenarios. When the resource is being created and
# when a resource property is getting updated. When the resource is being
# created, this method gets called with the -c flag and all the system-defined
# and extension properties are passed as command-line arguments. When a resource
# property is being updated, the Validate method gets called with the -u flag,
# and only the property/value pair of the property being updated is passed as a
# command-line argument. 
# ex: When the resource is being created command args will be
# dns_validate -c -R <..> -G <...> -T <..> -r <sysdef-prop=value>...
#       -x <extension-prop=value>.... -g <resourcegroup-prop=value>....
# when the resource property is being updated
# dns_validate -u -R <..> -G <...> -T <..> -r <sys-prop_being_updated=value>
#   OR
# dns_validate -u -R <..> -G <...> -T <..> -x <extn-prop_being_updated=value>

#pragma ident   “@(#)dns_validate   1.1   00/05/24 SMI”

# Parse program arguments.
function parse_args # [args ...]
   typeset opt

   while getopts `cur:x:g:R:T:G:X:' opt
                case “$opt” in
                        # Name of the DNS resource.
                        # Name of the resource group in which the resource is
                        # configured.
                        # Name of the resource type.
                        # Per-node extension property setting. The format of the
                        # option argument is "propertyname{nodeid}=propertyvalue".
                        # For example, there might be two -X options with the following
                        # arguments:
                        #    myprop{1}=myvalue
                        #    myprop{2}=othervalue
                        # representing the setting of property 'myprop' on nodes 1
                        # and 2.  If the property value is set in a non-global zone
                        # 'zoneA' of the global cluster, the format is:
                        #    myprop{1:zoneA}=myvalue
                        # In most cases, the -X arguments can be ignored.  Instead
                        # use the -x argument to get the property setting for the
                        # local node.
                        #The method is not accessing any system defined 
                        #properties, so this is a no-op.
                        # The method is not accessing any resource group 
                        # properties, so this is a no-op.
                        # Indicates the Validate method is being called while
                        # creating the resource, so this flag is a no-op.
                        # Indicates the updating of a property when the 
                        # resource already exists. If the update is to the
                        # Confdir property then Confdir should appear in the
                        # command-line arguments. If it does not, the method must
                        # look for it specifically using scha_resource_get.
                        # Extension property list. Separate the property and
                        # value pairs using “=” as the separator.
                        PROPERTY=`echo $OPTARG | awk -F= `{print $1}'`
                        VAL=echo $OPTARG | awk -F= `{print $2}'`

                        # If the Confdir extension property is found on the
                        # command line, note its value.
                        if [ $PROPERTY == “Confdir” ];
                        logger -p ${SYSLOG_FACILITY}.err \
                        -t [$SYSLOG_TAG] \
                        “ERROR: Option $OPTARG unknown”
                        exit 1


export PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/cluster/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/proc/bin:$PATH

# Obtain the syslog facility to use to log messages.

# Set the Value of CONFDIR to null. Later, this method retrieves the value
# of the Confdir property from the command line or using scha_resource_get.

# Parse the arguments that have been passed to this method.
parse_args “$@”

# If the validate method is being called due to the updating of properties 
# try to retrieve the value of the Confdir extension property from the command
# line. Otherwise, obtain the value of Confdir using scha_resource_get.
if ( (( $UPDATE_PROPERTY == 1 )) &&  (( CONFDIR_FOUND == 0 )) ); then
   config_info=scha_resource_get -O Extension -R $RESOURCE_NAME \
       -G $RESOURCEGROUP_NAME Confdir`
   CONFDIR=`echo $config_info | awk `{print $2}'`

# Verify that the Confdir property has a value. If not there is a failure
# and exit with status 1.
if [[ -z $CONFDIR ]]; then
   logger -p ${SYSLOG_FACILITY}.err \
       “${ARGV0} Validate method for resource “$RESOURCE_NAME “ failed”
   exit 1

# Now validate the actual Confdir property value. 

# Check if $CONFDIR is accessible.
if [ ! -d $CONFDIR ]; then
        logger -p ${SYSLOG_FACILITY}.err -t [$SYSLOG_TAG] \
            “${ARGV0} Directory $CONFDIR missing or not mounted”
        exit 1

# Check that the named.conf file is present in the Confdir directory.
if [ ! -s $CONFDIR/named.conf ]; then
        logger -p ${SYSLOG_FACILITY}.err -t [$SYSLOG_TAG] \
            “${ARGV0} File $CONFDIR/named.conf is missing or empty”
        exit 1

# Log a message indicating that the Validate method was successful.
logger -p ${SYSLOG_FACILITY}.info -t [$SYSLOG_TAG] \
   “${ARGV0} Validate method for resource “$RESOURCE_NAME \
   “ completed successfully”

exit 0