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Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Service for Solaris Containers Guide
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Installing and Configuring HA for Solaris Containers

HA for Solaris Containers Overview

Overview of Installing and Configuring HA for Solaris Containers

Planning the HA for Solaris Containers Installation and Configuration

Configuration Restrictions

Restrictions for Zone Network Addresses

Restrictions for an HA Container

Restrictions for a Multiple-Masters Zone

Restrictions for the Zone Path of a Zone

Restrictions on Major Device Numbers in /etc/name_to_major

Configuration Requirements

Dependencies Between HA for Solaris Containers Components

Parameter File Directory for HA for Solaris Containers

Installing and Configuring Zones

How to Enable a Zone to Run in Failover Configuration

How to Enable a Zone to Run in a Multiple-Masters Configuration

How to Install a Zone and Perform the Initial Internal Zone Configuration

Verifying the Installation and Configuration of a Zone

How to Verify the Installation and Configuration of a Zone

Installing the HA for Solaris Containers Packages

How to Install the HA for Solaris Containers Packages

Registering and Configuring HA for Solaris Containers

Specifying Configuration Parameters for the Zone Boot Resource

Writing Scripts for the Zone Script Resource

Specifying Configuration Parameters for the Zone Script Resource

Writing a Service Probe for the Zone SMF Resource

Specifying Configuration Parameters for the Zone SMF Resource

How to Create and Enable Resources for the Zone Boot Component

How to Create and Enable Resources for the Zone Script Component

How to Create and Enable Resources for the Zone SMF Component

Verifying the HA for Solaris Containers and Configuration

How to Verify the HA for Solaris Containers Installation and Configuration

Patching the Global Zone and Non-Global Zones

How to Patch to the Global Zone and Non-Global Zones

Tuning the HA for Solaris Containers Fault Monitors

Operation of the HA for Solaris Containers Parameter File

Operation of the Fault Monitor for the Zone Boot Component

Operation of the Fault Monitor for the Zone Script Component

Operation of the Fault Monitor for the Zone SMF Component

Tuning the HA for Solaris Containers Stop_timeout property

Choosing the Stop_timeout value for the Zone Boot Component

Choosing the Stop_timeout value for the Zone Script Component

Choosing the Stop_timeout value for the Zone SMF Component

Denying Cluster Services for a Non-Global Zone

Debugging HA for Solaris Containers

How to Activate Debugging for HA for Solaris Containers

A.  Files for Configuring HA for Solaris Containers Resources


Patching the Global Zone and Non-Global Zones

The procedure that follows is required only if you are applying a patch to the global zone and to non-global zones. If you are applying a patch to only the global zone, follow the instructions in Chapter 11, Patching Oracle Solaris Cluster Software and Firmware, in Oracle Solaris Cluster System Administration Guide.

How to Patch to the Global Zone and Non-Global Zones

This task applies to both nonrebooting patches and rebooting patches.

Perform this task on all nodes in the cluster.

  1. Ensure that the node that you are patching can access the zone paths of all zones that are configured on the node.

    Some zones might be configured to run in a failover configuration. In this situation, bring online on the node that you are patching the resource group that contains the resources for the zones' disk storage.

    # clresourcegroup switch -n node solaris-zone-resource-group

    Note - This step might also start any applications managed within the resource group solaris-zone-resource-group. Verify if you need to stop any application prior to install the patches. If the applications need to be stopped, disable the corresponding resources before proceeding to the next step.

    Note - If the patches need to get applied in single-user mode, it will not be possible to start the resource group as described. Instead the corresponding zone paths need to get mounted manually.

  2. Apply the patch(es) to the node.

    For detailed instructions, see Chapter 11, Patching Oracle Solaris Cluster Software and Firmware, in Oracle Solaris Cluster System Administration Guide in Oracle Solaris Cluster System Administration Guide.