Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Installation and Configuration Guide

Patching an OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 WAR File

The patching operation compares the manifests for each WAR file and then shows:

The ssopatch utility then copies the appropriate files to a staging directory, where you must add any customizations before you create and deploy the new patched WAR file.

ProcedureTo Patch OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0

Before You Begin

Although ssopatch does not modify your original opensso.war file, it is recommended that you back up this file, in case you need to back out the patched opensso.war file. Backup your existing OpenSSO Enterprise WAR file and configuration data:

  1. Make sure that your JAVA_HOME environment variable points to JDK 1.5 or later.

  2. Although ssopatch does not modify your original opensso.war file, it is recommended that you back up this file, in case you need to back out the patched opensso.war file.

  3. Run ssopatch to create the staging area. For example:

    ./ssopatch -o /zip-root/opensso/deployable-war/opensso.war 
    -c /u1/opensso/deployable-war/opensso.war --override -s /tmp/staging
    Generating Manifest for: /zip-root/opensso/deployable-war/opensso.war
    Original manifest: Enterprise 8.0 Build 6(200810311055)
    New manifest: Enterprise 8.0 Update 1 Build 6.1(200904300525)
    Versions are compatible
    Generating Manifest for: /u1/opensso/deployable-war/opensso.war
    Comparing manifest of /zip-root/opensso/deployable-war/opensso.war (generated-200905051031) 
      against /u1/opensso/deployable-war/opensso.war (generated-200905051032)
    File was customized in original, but not found in new war. 
    Staging area using original war version (samples/saml2/sae/header.jsp)
    File was customized in original, but not found in new war. 
    Staging area using original war version (WEB-INF/template/opends/config/upgrade/config.ldif.4517)
    File was customized in original, but not found in new war. 
    Staging area using original war version (WEB-INF/template/opends/config/upgrade/schema.ldif.4517)
    Differences: 1813
    Customizations: 0

    In this example, /tmp/staging is the staging area where ssopatch copies the files.

  4. Update the files as needed in the staging area, using the results of the previous step.

    The following table shows the potential results of the patch operation and the actions you might need to take.

    ssopatch Results

    Explanation and Action Required 

    File not in original war (filename)

    The indicated file does not exist in the original OpenSSO WAR but is in the latest version of the OpenSSO WAR. 

    Action: None

    File updated in new war (filename)

    The indicated file exists in both the original and new OpenSSO WAR files and has been updated in the latest version of the OpenSSO WAR. No customizations have been done in the original OpenSSO WAR. 

    Action: None

    File customized (filename)

    The indicated file exists in both OpenSSO WAR files, has been customized in the original version of the WAR, but has not been updated in the latest version of the WAR. 

    Action: None

    May require manual customization (filename)

    The file exists in both OpenSSO WAR files, has been customized in the original version of the WAR, and has been updated in the latest version of the WAR. 

    Action: if you want your customizations in the file, you must manually add them to the new updated file in the staging directory.

    File was customized in original, but not found in new war

    The file existed in the original WAR file, but is not in the new WAR. 

    Action: None.