Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 C API Reference for Application and Web Policy Agent Developers


This function takes the following parameters:


The identifier of the logging module.


The level of the event. Possible values are defined in the following am_log_level_t enumeration. The default value is AM_LOG_INFO.

typedef enum am_log_level {
    AM_LOG_ALWAYS = -1, /* always logged */
    AM_LOG_NONE,	/* never logged, typically used to turn off a module */
    AM_LOG_ERROR,	/* used for error messages */
    AM_LOG_WARNING,	/* used for warning messages */
    AM_LOG_INFO,	/* used for informational messages */
    AM_LOG_DEBUG,	/* used for debug messages */
    AM_LOG_MAX_DEBUG,    /* used for more detailed debug messages */
    AM_LOG_AUTH_REMOTE = 128, /* logged deny and/or allow */
} am_log_level_t;