Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Release Notes

Getting Started With OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0

If you have not previously installed OpenSSO Enterprise, here are the basic steps to follow:

  1. If necessary, install, configure, and start one of the Web Containers Supported For OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0.

  2. Download and unzip the file. See the Sun Software Product Map page for more information:

  3. Deploy the opensso.war file to the web container, using the web container administration console or deployment command.

    Or, if supported by the web container, simply copy the WAR file to the container's autodeploy directory.

  4. Configure OpenSSO Enterprise using either the GUI Configurator or the command-line Configurator.

    To launch the GUI Configurator, enter the following URL in your browser: protocol://host.domain:port/deploy_uri

    For example:

    If OpenSSO Enterprise is accessing an Access Manager 7.1 schema (DIT) in coexistence mode, see 3961: amadmin cannot log in to OpenSSO Console in coexistence mode.

  5. Perform any additional configuration using the either Administration Console or the new ssoadm command-line utility.

  6. To download a version 3.0 policy agent, see the following site:

OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Documentation

The OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 documentation is available on the following site:

Check this site periodically to view the most recent documentation.