Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Developer's Guide

Single Sign-on Pages

The single sign-on JSP are used to initiate single sign-on and, parse authentication requests, and generate responses. These include:


idpSSOFederate.jsp works on the identity provider side to receive and parse authentication requests from the service provider and generate a Response containing an assertion. The endpoint for this JSP is protocol://host:port/service-deploy-uri/idpSSOFederate. idpSSOFederate.jsp takes the following parameters:


idpSSOInit.jsp initiates single sign-on from the identity provider side (also referred to as unsolicited response). For example, a user requests access to a resource. On receiving this request for access, idpSSOInit.jsp looks for a cached assertion which, if present, is sent to the service provider in an unsolicited <Response>. If no assertion is found, idpSSOInit.jsp verifies that the following required parameters are defined:

If defined, the unsolicited Response is created and sent to the service provider. If not, an error is returned. The endpoint for this JSP is protocol://host:port/service-deploy-uri/idpssoinit. The following optional parameters can also be passed to idpSSOInit.jsp:


spSSOInit.jsp is used to initiate single sign-on from the service provider side. On receiving a request for access, spSSOInit.jsp verifies that the following required parameters are defined:

If defined, the Request is created and sent to the identity provider. If not, an error is returned. The endpoint for this JSP is protocol://host:port/service-deploy-uri/spssoinit. The following optional parameters can also be passed to spSSOInit.jsp:

To pass parameters to specify RequestedAuthnContext use:

  1. AuthLevel

  2. AuthnContextClassRef

  3. sunamcompositeadvice