Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Administration Reference

Signing and Encryption

The following attributes define signing and encryption configuration for web provider security:

Is Response Signed

When enabled, the web service provider signs the response using its X509 certificate.

Is Response Encrypted

When enabled, the web service response will be encrypted.

Is Request Signature Verified

When enabled, the web service request signature is verified.

Is Request Header Decrypted

When enabled, the web service client request's security header will be decrypted.

Is Request Decrypted

When enabled, the web service client request will be decrypted.

Signing Reference Type

Defines the reference types used when the Security Token service signs the wsp response. The possible reference types are DircectReference, KeyIdentifier, and X509.

Encryption Algorithm

Defines the encryption algorithm used to encrypt the web service response.

Encryption Strength

Sets the encryption strength used by he Security Token service to encrypt the web service response. Select a greater value for greater encryption strength.