Sun OpenSSO Enterprise Policy Agent 3.0 Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server/Portal 10

ProcedureTo Download and Unzip the Agent Distribution File

  1. Login to the server where you want to install the agent.

  2. Create a directory to unzip the agent distribution file.

  3. Download and unzip the distribution file from one of the following sites:

    The following table shows the layout after you unzip the agent distribution file.

    These files are relative to AgentHome/j2ee_agents/weblogic_v10_agent, where AgentHome is where you unzipped the agent distribution file.

    PolicyAgent-base (also used in this guide) is AgentHome/j2ee_agents/weblogic_v10_agent.

    File or Directory 


    README.txt and license.txt

    Readme and license files 


    agentadmin and agentadmin.bat programs


    Template, properties, and XML files 


    license.log file. Do not edit this file.


    Agent application (agentapp.war) For information, see Deploying the Agent Application.


    Required JAR files 


    Required properties files 


    Log files 


    Policy agent sample application. For information, see Deploying the Policy Agent Sample Application.