Sun OpenSSO Enterprise Policy Agent 3.0 Guide for Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0

ProcedureTo Change the Password for an Agent Profile

  1. On the OpenSSO Enterprise server:

    1. Login into the Administration Console.

    2. Click Access Control, realm-name, Agents, Web, and then the name of the agent you want to configure.

      The Console displays the Edit page for the agent profile.

    3. Enter and confirm the new unencrypted password.

    4. Click Save.

  2. On the server where the IIS 6.0 agent is installed:

    1. In the agent profile password file, replace the old password with the new unencrypted password.

    2. Change to the PolicyAgent-base\bin directory. For example:

      cd C:\Agents\web_agents\iis6_agent\bin

    3. Encrypt the new password using cryptit.exe.

      cryptit.exe C:\tmp\IIS6Agentpw.txt encryption-key

      where encryption-key can be either the existing key value from the com.sun.identity.agents.config.key property in the IIS 6.0 agent's file or a new encryption key value. A new key value must be a minimum of eight alphanumeric characters.

      The cryptit.exe program returns the new encrypted password. For example:


    4. In the IIS 6.0 agent's file, set the following properties, as needed:

      • Set the following property to the new encrypted password from the previous step. For example:

      • If you specified a new encryption key value in the previous step, set the following property to this new key value:

    5. Restart the IIS 6.0 server.