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Oracle OpenSSO 8.0 Update 2 Release Notes

Document Information


1.  About OpenSSO 8.0 Update 2

2.  OpenSSO 8.0 Update 2 Patch Releases

3.  Installing OpenSSO 8.0 Update 2

4.  Using the Security Token Service

5.  Using the Oracle OpenSSO Fedlet

6.  Integrating the OpenSSO 8.0 Update 2 with Oracle Access Manager

Overview of Integration Steps

Before You Begin

Unpacking the Integration Bits

Building Source Files for Oracle Access Manager in OpenSSO

To Build the Source Files for Oracle Access Manager

(Optional) Build an Authentication Scheme for OpenSSO in Oracle Access Manager

To Build an Authentication Scheme for OpenSSO in Oracle Access Manager

Configuring Single Sign-On Using Oracle Access Manager and Oracle OpenSSO STS

To Configure Single Sign-On Using Oracle Access Manager and Oracle OpenSSO 8.0 Update 2

To Test Single Sign-On

(Optional) Installing of Oblix AuthScheme into Oracle Access Manager

Integrating the OpenSSO 8.0 Update 2 with Oracle Access Manager

Unpacking the Integration Bits

The opensso/integrations/oracle directory contains source and configurations to compile and build custom authentication modules and other plugins. See Chapter 3, Integrating Oracle Access Manager, in Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Integration Guide for use case options and related information. The following table summarizes the files under opensso/integrations/oracle directory and descriptions for each file.


This is the file you're reading now.


An ant build file for building a custom authentication module for Oracle Access Manager in OpenSSO


Configuration files required for creating an authentication module for Oracle Access Manager in OpenSSO.

  • OblixAuthService.xml

    Authentication service file for Oracle Access Manager authentication module

  • OblixAuthModule.xml

    Authentication module callbacks for Oracle Access Manager.

    This is an empty file by default, but it must be present for configuration purposes.


    Properties file that stores internationalization keys for the authentication


This directory is empty by default. This lib directory must contain the following libraries to compile the source libraries.

  • jobaccess.jar

    Copy this file from the Oracle Access Manager SDK.

  • openfedlib.jar, amserver.jar, and opensso-sharedlib.jar

    Copy these files from opensso.war

  • servlet.jar or javaee.jar

    Copy the GlassFish lib directory. Ideally, any JAR file that has standard Java EE classes such as javax.servlet.http.Cookie is fine.


Directory containing the following source files:

  • com/sun/identity/authentication/oblix/

  • com/sun/identity/authentication/oblix/

  • com/sun/identity/authentication/oblix/

  • com/sun/identity/saml2/plugins/

    This class is a SAML2 Plugin Adapter for SAML Service Providers. This class does the remote authentication to Oracle Access Manager using the OpenSSO Session service.

oamauth (optional)

This directory contains source files for Oblix Authentication Scheme for OpenSSO. This is a C-based authentication module and leverages the OpenSSO C-SDK for validation.

  • oam/solaris/authn_api.c

    This file implements Oblix custom authentication scheme for OpenSSO.

  • oam/solaris/include/*.h

    All the header files that are required to compile auth scheme.

  • oam/solaris/

    Sample OpenSSO Agent configuration file. This is required for the authentication scheme to validate the OpenSSO session.