System Administration Guide: Advanced Administration

Setting the Core File Name Pattern

You can set a core file name pattern on a global basis or a per-process basis, and you can specify whether you want these settings saved across a system reboot.

For example, the following coreadm command sets the global core file pattern for all processes started by the init process. This pattern will persist across system reboots.

$ coreadm -i /var/core/core.%f.%p

Global core values are stored in the /etc/coreadm.conf file, which means these settings are saved across a system reboot.

This coreadm command sets the per-process core file name pattern for all processes:

$ coreadm -p /var/core/core.%f.%p $$

The $$ symbols represent a placeholder for the process ID of the currently running shell. The per-process core file name pattern is inherited by all child processes.

Once a global or per-process core file name pattern is set, it must be enabled with the coreadm -e command. See the following procedures for more information.

You can set the core file name pattern for all processes run during a user's login session by putting the command in a user's $HOME/.profile or .login file.