System Administration Guide: Advanced Administration

LP Print Service Directories

The files of the LP print service are distributed among seven directories, as shown in the following table.

Table 8–1 Directories for the LP Print Service




The LP print service user commands 


A hierarchy of LP server configuration files 


The terminfo database directory


The lp conversion scripts, in.lpd daemon and the printd daemon. The printd daemon transfers all pending jobs in the/var/spool/print directory once per minute. When there are no jobs remaining to transfer, it exits


The LP print service administrative commands 


The LP daemons; directories for binary files and PostScript filters; and the model directory (which contains the standard printer interface program)


The logs for LP activities: lpsched.n – Messages from lpsched and requests.n – Information about completed print requests


The spooling directory where files are queued for printing 


The LP print service client-side request staging area